There are problems for Readers of this Blog. There is much Chinese origin information material (linked information) not translated to English. Also there is practically no English translation to Chinese. My target is English speaking readers because most Chinese will be unable to access this Blog from inside China. It is really International Readers I am attempting to reach.
I use Web Browser : Mozilla Firefox. An English download is available here:
Chinese readers can download Chinese Language version here: . (The Link was active on 31.01.2016). If, of course, the site is not blocked by the Chinese Firewall for people in China.
中国读者可在该网址 自由下载中文的《火狐〉浏览器之后,可在此找到“网页”翻译工具,这样,可自由翻译英文以及其它语种至中文。
Why did I create this Blog. Firstly it is another
attempt to restore my wife's legal rights denied by corrupt Liaoning Province Civil Courts when they conducted an illegal case in 1998. To push to get this Case settled. Secondly, to show how corrupt the China Communist Party is, how it treats Petitioners and its complete disregard for Law other than CCP Law.Twitter
is another platform I use to express my views -
Chris Jones@himderfella
attempt to restore my wife's legal rights denied by corrupt Liaoning Province Civil Courts when they conducted an illegal case in 1998. To push to get this Case settled. Secondly, to show how corrupt the China Communist Party is, how it treats Petitioners and its complete disregard for Law other than CCP Law.Twitter
is another platform I use to express my views -
Chris Jones@himderfella
CHINA WILL NOT RESOLVE AN ILLEGAL CASE CREATED BY THEIR CIVIL COURTS? Due to the time elapsed it is no longer a question. It is a statement of fact. The National Peoples' Congress does nothing.
My wife, strong and unbeatable. |
Writing this account is a painful experience for me. It is not the recall of the annoying experiences with the Chinese Internal Affairs Police, S.W.A.T. Police, Security Guards and ordinary Police that makes writing so hard. It is the experiences I had with Petitioners and ordinary Chinese that make me sad. There are people I sadly miss in China.
A beautiful place. One of my rare opportunities in 2010 to grab a photo. |
Me, the incredible Bulk. Thumbs up!! |
After delivering our letter to Duan Jie Long, Consular General Sydney on 1st August 2011, on 13th September 2011, I posted a letter to His Excellency Chen Yuming, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, Canberra ACT enclosing the notarised copy of my wife's Australian Passport and requesting his assistance. (The Diplomats photographs are below) Typically there has been no response. No
other "reliable" avenue was available to us to send the document and we have no Official or other mailing address to use.
Even within Australia Chinese Government Officials do not respond to correspondence. . Behold, the Chinese Government
INACTION! Couple that with the ignored request for assistance made to the Canberra Embassy in 2010.
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Duan Jie Long, Consular General Sydney |
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Chen Yuming , Chinese Ambassador Canberra |
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Shenyang dancers 2008. Lovely people of Shenyang. |
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The Chinese Government rules the Courts or the Courts Rule China? |
My visits to China were to give support and safety for my wife in her attempts to resolve her 1998 illegal Chinese Civil Court case. Each time I visited Tienanmen Square I remembered the horrifying scenes I saw on television on 4th June 1989. Mindful of that event, I saw and heard nothing in China that would give hope to the ordinary Chinese in their struggle today. I believe the dangers for those seeking change are present today just as they were in 1989. If I could say anything about the struggle for Human and Legal Rights in China and when it may become a reality it would be "When the 1.3 billion Chinese heartbeats all beat as one there will be change in China." To that I could add, "If you want Change you must change the way you Think and change the way you Act. Thought must always precede Action." What could 1.3 billion people achieve? Meanwhile my wife's illegal civil court case remains with the corrupt courts and at the will and the power of the Chinese Government.
(In 2016 with the corrupt, paranoid President Xi Jinping (aka Impotent Xi) in Power CCP action against dissidents, Petitioners, Lawyers and even Booksellers has been hardened. CCP has the Power. CCP has the Might)
This graphic fires my imagination. Could there be a different Chinese Communist Government governing China? A Government preferred by the People? How the English graphic translates into Chinese I do not know. Maybe just "Preferred Chinese Communist Government" would be a better name? It would not be a case of Hu and Wen. But of how, when and by! I remind readers that I have a great admiration for the ordinary Chinese people. I would like to see their lives transformed and have the freedom to make a change. I do not say that Democratic Government is better than Communist Government. I say that good Government is Good Government regardless of its brand and that bad Government is the equal of no Government at all. The Central Power of China could reflect on that. It is well known that absolute Power breeds absolute corruption. So true of China Communist Party and its Leaders.
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Wen Jaibao talks to "petitioners". There is doubt that they are real petitioners. Wen Jaibao instructed that another Petitioner's claim be settled but it wasn't. Who leads China, Wen? The Courts? |
In China, the Law is applied to suit the needs of officialdom. Officials break the Law with impunity and apply the Law, against ordinary Chinese,to their benefit. The truth of this statement is borne by the fact that the Courts broke the law (in creating the illegal Case). They then attempted to run down my wife with a car, to kill or seriously injure her, inside a Court Precinct (a further criminal act). Where is the Law protecting the interest of my wife? Is China so poor a Nation that they accept International criticism for not settling an illegal court case and denial of Legal Rights rather than pay 28,000,000 rmb in compensation? Without any reaction from CCP officialdom my poor opinion of them remains unchallenged and is expressed vehemently elsewhere. The China Communist Party (I purposefully refrain from calling them a Government) Bankrupt of good governance, applies CCP Law to suit its own ends and has a reputation for being barbaric. Given a choice, who would want to deal with that regime?. I have a saying. "If a Labrador runs with the wolves the Labrador will be severely bitten. It is only a matter of time". Business people and Politicians, do not be the "Labrador". (In 2016 the World humbles itself and grovels at the feet of Impotent Xi. To say that I am disgusted is an understatement of massive proportion)

This Time Magazine article dated 31st May 2007 describes the plight of this mother. If you read the entire article you will gain an insight into the flawed Chinese Legal System that prevails today. The photo of this mother came from that article.
Read more:,9171,1626718,00.html#ixzz1bE7Xoay9
In part the article reports, "But the institutions that make up China's legal system are all ultimately under the control of the Communist Party. The Party isn't solely to blame for China's woes: rogue local officials, badly paid, poorly trained judges and the courts' own institutional weakness all play a role. But the Party's near absolute power over the judiciary ensures a lack of accountability that is the root cause of many other ills."
And what of the "relationship" between Lawyers and Judges? While this article from China Org is nearly seven years old few would argue that "relationships" do not continue. While any Lawyer seeks to influence a Judge there exists the intention to sway a decision not based solely on evidence and regard to Law. It is called attempted Corruption, should any practicing Lawyer not be familiar with the term.
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Banner used outside Shenyang Liaoning High Court |
The following article touches on the problem of corruption. Somewhat difficult to control when so many Court Officials are members of the National People's Congress who also control the Courts. More about that later. English People Daily article 30.12.2010
Corrupt judges in China will face severe punishments as their practices harm the justice system and interests of the public, Vice President of the Supreme People's Court (SPC) Xiong Xuanguo said in Beijing Wednesday.
"The judicial system is the last line of defense to safeguard social fairness and justice, so corruption among court staff must be severely punished," Xiong said at a press conference on the the country's first ever white paper on anti-graft efforts.
Crimes by "a very small number" of judges, including some in leading positions, will not be tolerated, he added.
On Jan. 19, SPC's former vice president Huang Songyou was sentenced to life imprisonment after he was convicted of taking more than 3.9 million yuan (about 588,700 U.S. dollars) of bribes from 2005 to 2008.
The SPC has appointed discipline supervisors in its 14 departments and more than 27,700 supervisors are watching over nearly 3,000 courts nationwide, SPC President Wang Shengjun said in March when reporting to the country's top legislature.
China's efforts to combat corruption and build a clean government have been managed systematically and promoted comprehensively and "achieved results," says the white paper, titled China's Efforts to Combat Corruption and Build a Clean Government and issued by the Information Office of the State Council on Wednesday.
From 2003 to 2009, prosecutors at all levels investigated more than 240,000 cases of embezzlement, bribery, dereliction of duty, and rights infringement, according to the white paper.
From January to November, the Party's discipline watchdogs investigated 119,000 graft cases, resulting in 113,000 people being punished, of whom 4,332 were prosecuted, said Wu Yuliang, secretary general of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of Communist Party of China (CPC), at the same press conference Wednesday.
In 2009, some 7,036 officials were held responsible for serious mistakes, breach of duty, and failing to manage and supervise subordinates.
The document quoted a National Bureau of Statistics survey as saying that 83.8 percent of Chinese thought corruption was reduced to some extent in 2010, which was up from 68.1 percent in 2003.
However, the document says that the task of curbing corruption remains arduous.
"The judicial system is the last line of defense to safeguard social fairness and justice, so corruption among court staff must be severely punished," Xiong said at a press conference on the the country's first ever white paper on anti-graft efforts.
Crimes by "a very small number" of judges, including some in leading positions, will not be tolerated, he added.
On Jan. 19, SPC's former vice president Huang Songyou was sentenced to life imprisonment after he was convicted of taking more than 3.9 million yuan (about 588,700 U.S. dollars) of bribes from 2005 to 2008.
The SPC has appointed discipline supervisors in its 14 departments and more than 27,700 supervisors are watching over nearly 3,000 courts nationwide, SPC President Wang Shengjun said in March when reporting to the country's top legislature.
China's efforts to combat corruption and build a clean government have been managed systematically and promoted comprehensively and "achieved results," says the white paper, titled China's Efforts to Combat Corruption and Build a Clean Government and issued by the Information Office of the State Council on Wednesday.
From 2003 to 2009, prosecutors at all levels investigated more than 240,000 cases of embezzlement, bribery, dereliction of duty, and rights infringement, according to the white paper.
From January to November, the Party's discipline watchdogs investigated 119,000 graft cases, resulting in 113,000 people being punished, of whom 4,332 were prosecuted, said Wu Yuliang, secretary general of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of Communist Party of China (CPC), at the same press conference Wednesday.
In 2009, some 7,036 officials were held responsible for serious mistakes, breach of duty, and failing to manage and supervise subordinates.
The document quoted a National Bureau of Statistics survey as saying that 83.8 percent of Chinese thought corruption was reduced to some extent in 2010, which was up from 68.1 percent in 2003.
However, the document says that the task of curbing corruption remains arduous.
So far, efforts to correct serious mistakes, breach of duty and failing to manage and supervise subordinates has failed by a massive 100.0% in Liaoning Province. Of course, should any official be courageous enough to argue differently I will give unedited space here for their response. A coward lacks courage of their conviction. There are so many Official cowards in Liaoning Province Courts. (In 2016 Impotent Xi still has NOT launched an investigation into corruption in Liaoning Province. He has many friends there and would not wish to snare any of those)
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Australian Banner... everyone gets the picture |
Blood, Justice and Corruption: Why the Chinese Love Their Death Penalty Time World Article 31.5.2011
China is the global leader for the number of corrupt officials who are sentenced to death, and actually executed each year. But, judging by the seemingly endless "public demand" for this kind of punishment and the surging popular anger, it would seem that there is actually not enough of it. While so many people are "beheaded," executives at all levels are still determined to brave death by trying to make the most of corruption.
Perhaps there is not enough Political Power in Liaoning Province to control the Courts?? Liaoning Court Officials, do not want their heads on the chopping block. But, when the axes fall, whose heads will roll? An interesting prospect.
A PICTORIAL TRIBUTE TO CHINESE PETITIONERS - No need for words Consider your life as a Chinese Petitioner. All images were found using Google Image Search - (Safe search - Off) - Chinese Petitioner. There are many more disturbing images. PETITIONERS ARE ORDINARY CITIZENS NOT CRIMINALS OR TERRORISTS
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MIGHT HAVE RIGHT category/china/nw-china/gansu/ |
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"Hero" attacks helpless Villager china/nw-china/gansu/ |
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Military Power |
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Barred from living,8599 ,1667945,00.html |
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Anguish |
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Exercising.. Power |
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Petitioner, rough living |
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You cannot photograph what we do Shanghai:-hundreds- of-people-held-in-%E2%80%98black-jails %E2%80%99-without-trial-22625.html |
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So strong.. against the helpless |
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Out of the elements beijing-petitioners-china-police- black-jails-41542.html |
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Looking for Petitioner papers? |
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Shanghai Petitioners |
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Overwhelming odds.. against the defenceless |
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Self Immolation | - A Petitioner from Liaoning Province attempts suicide 20.5.2009. Read this article and you will better understand how Petitioners are treated. The stench of corruption is spread over Liaoning Province. Be prepared for disturbing, graphic photos and video is an uncensored source of recent information about China.This site is under constant attack from China and the English version is redundant. Many ordinary mainland Chinese are unable to access due to the notorious Chinese Firewall but some have cracked it. This link will take you to our article.
I agonised over whether I should include this photograph here. It is not for children or the fainthearted. It is the end of a man at the hand of criminals. Not ordinary criminals but Land Developers and their cronies.I am disgusted and angered that protection is not given ordinary Chinese. If you feel the same... denounce China and do not go to China.
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This man was lured to a meeting and then "accidentally" run over. A Chinese Court official attempted to kill my wife with a car. Where is the Law in China? |
The Australian Government cannot interfere in the internal affairs of China. They are prohibited from making any submissions or attempt to influence the Court on my wife's behalf. That would be considered an attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of China. (As advised by Australian Foreign Affairs Department before we left for China and our Beijing Embassy in 2010)
Regardless, on Thursday 7th July 2011 an email was sent to Mr Rudd requesting assistance. The email set out some of the experiences we had had in China and the problems we had with the Courts. It asked: Can you offer any advice or assistance to resolve the dilemma we find ourselves in? I have attached my letter dated 27.4.2011 to Secretary General of the United Nations for your additional information. A written response was received from the Department of Foreign Affairs on 1st August 2011, the same day of our demonstration outside the Chinese Consulate in Dunblane Street, Sydney, reiterating the above The Australian Government cannot interfere in the internal affairs of China. It also advised that the Beijing Embassy could not guarantee personal safety. Somewhat of a non-answer.That is the extent and limit of assistance given by the Australian Government.
Beijing. Harmony in Society? In China? Can the people vote on that? |
The Americans are not so caring of the Chinese sensitivity.
USA Congressmen (20) signed a letter and gave it to the Chinese Ambassador in New York condemning China's Human Rights record.
Hu Jintao was snubbed at official functions while he was there.
When I consider my experiences in China I can only wonder at the United Nations, who will do nothing about a sister member- China, but throws barbs at Australia -
UN rules man's deportation from Australia illegal - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation).
Considering China's continuing unchecked Human Rights violations their expulsion from the United Nations must be put high on the World Agenda. USA based organisation advocating change in China.
While pursuit of settlement of my wife's illegal court case continues, to give her "Balance", I have to explore as many ways possible to embarrass the Chinese Courts and Regime into taking positive action. I could initiate an International Petition to have China (a founding member of the United Nations) thrown out of the United Nations. From the mountain of adverse media reports regarding China, and their reaction to it, I doubt that a Petition will affect their attitude or that of the United Nations (who defend China). HOWEVER, a shift of worldwide trade away from China would send a strong message to them that there attitude is out of step with the World. There is already strong argument NOT to import any Chinese grown product to Australia. Based on China's pollution problems and unregulated farming practices. When enough big business and Governments get stung by the Chinese there may be the desired swing from China.
A library has now been started to collect visual media for future reference. The Chinese Courts have worked against China's interest and the responsibility for causing any loss to China is completely theirs. The expansive content of the Library will not be released here, though, some limited release may be made from time to time.

Petition by Zhao Liang
Beneath the radar of the feverish economic boom transforming mainland China, an underground revolution is taking place in low-budget documentary film making. Over the last few years a number of talented and courageous independent filmmakers have dedicated themselves to capturing the rapid changes reinventing the landscape, cities and culture of a country that continues to stoke the red-hot fires of its ardent economic development. The development of ultra-lightweight and unobtrusive digital equipment, as well as support from the international circuit of art galleries, museums, film festivals and cinemathèques, has helped these filmmakers bypass the government agencies that closely monitor big budgeted productions. One of the newest directors to emerge from China’s exciting documentary new wave is Zhao Liang, an internationally recognized video artist who only recently turned to feature film making. With his series of insightful documentaries focused on subjects ranging from the avant-garde community in Beijing to the experiences of young peace officers patrolling a remote village, Zhao is poised to join the front ranks of Chinese nonfiction filmmakers, alongside the likes of Wang Bing, Jia Zhangke and Zhao Dayong. This program is presented in conjunction with Emergent Visions, with support from the Fairbank Center and the Asia Center, Harvard. Special thanks: J.P. Sniadecki, Jie Li, Ying Qian, Tarryn Chun, Emergent Visions.Petition
Directed by Zhao Liang, Appearing in Person China 2009, video, color, 120 min. Mandarin with English subtitles
Petition unfolds like a novel by Zola or Dickens. Unwilling to accept defeat and seemingly unable to do anything but wait, the petitioners enter a strange and often terrifying zone, gradually losing touch with family and friends back home and with the cruel reality of their situation.