11/12/2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador & Consul General,
As expected you have not provided an explanation for the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his resignation. A very, very difficult task to complete, apparently. I am asking for it again.
My wife has had no contact by the corrupt Courts of Shenyang in regard to the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998. Their continuing disrespect for my wife encourages the continuation of My Disrespectful Campaign through my Blog & Twitter. It is not my face that has been lost. Also the lack of response by CCP is a clear indication for their respect of China Law & Constitution. Zero respect & 100% arrogance.
Global Times appears to have taken on role of Defender of Xi Jinping. Tweets that Trump “will regret crossing China”. Who are the little pissants in Global Times who have such large heads & so little authority? I believe they were bullies at school & are bullies in Global Times. Their attitude leads to my assumption. Since GT is a media mouthpiece of CCP the adolescent outburst was given CCP approval. From everything I have seen regarding China since my last email, and there has been a mountain of it, I have not seen anything that would go toward a repair of CCP image. The hypocritical care given by CCP to Tibetan children with heart conditions is drowned by the continuing genocide of Tibetans by CCP. What a stupid report to print. Even more stupid was the Tourism report referring to & inviting Tourists to the Tibetan city, inhabited by nuns & monks, currently being demolished by CCP. “Come World, look at what CCP is doing here.” CCP propagandist team deserve to be sacked for stupidity, Their lies & distortions are as approved by CCP. I am unaware who approves their stupidity. Xi Jinping has further increased his repression. He will never realise that more can be achieved by working with the people than against them. He has 1.3 billion human computers that could be “switched on” for China’s benefit. But Xi sees that as a weakness. CCP does not need the help of China citizens. Xi is a psychopathic, paranoid, dysfunctional megalomaniac who believes he can manage all things China. It is quite obvious that he is failing in that.
Global Times reports that the cheap steel being manufactured (25% of entire volume) is of substandard quality & fails to meet standards. The same steel that CCP floods international markets with. Already, in Australia, there have been protests of China steel import. In China, buildings fall over. More amazingly, buildings actually remain upright. Xi Jinping is looking to increase Nuclear Power generation with new generators. Who could have any confidence that the Nuclear Generators would be of sound construction? Xi Jinping would stand by confidently, with fingers crossed behind his back, but not beside a working reactor. Radiation leak quite possible. Moving funds, reserved for Pensioners, into Shares is a strategy to prop up failing businesses. Gambling that, by the time the funds are required, there has been a reversal in China’s crumbling economy and the cash will be available. One bad decision by another leads to the failure of China Economy. Xi Jinping & CCP will fall with it and will never recover. China, under a new Government – Central Power of China, will rebuild a wealthy China. Until the fall of CCP a China National Day of Mourning should be proclaimed 15th June annually. On Xi’s birthday.
The text of this email & the 2 graphics – China Communist Party (& Xi unpopular) & China Day of Mourning will appear in My Disrespectful campaign shortly. Both have been tweeted. The text of this email will also appear in my blog shortly. You may be aware that I have tweeted that blocking my emails is a show of your cowardice.
Chris Jones
20.11.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador & Consul General,
Even after such a lengthy interval, between my emails, you have been unable to formulate a response to my request for an explanation regarding the Open letter to Xi Jinping requesting his Resignation. Such a simple task is beyond the capacity of the China Communist Party impotent Propaganda Team. I will continue to ask for it.
The corrupt Courts of Shenyang, Liaoning Province, remain silent. They have made no contact with my wife regarding the illegal Court Case created by the corrupt officials of Shenhe District Peoples’ Court in 1998. Xi Jinping & NPC are protecting the corrupt officials & attempt to sweep the case under the carpet. And I will continue to pull it out and give it a good airing to remind CCP & NPC that Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign is an utter farce. The continuing disrespect shown for my wife by CCP & the Courts ensures the continuation of My Disrespectful Campaign.
It has been quite awhile since my last email. You are aware that my campaign against CCP is focussed through Twitter. CCP Propaganda Media mouthpieces have earned strong criticism for the mediocrity of their reports. Xi Jinping needs to review the strategy used by his Propaganda Team if the standard of their work is to be improved. In 2011 I made a challenge to He Guoqiang to significantly reduce corruption within CCP in less than six months. Not surprisingly he did not take up the challenge or achieve any potential results possible through it. Xi Jinping’s ant-corruption campaign is as hollow as his promise, pledge, oath to rid CCP of corruption. He can fool some of the people some of the time but cannot fool all of the people all of the time. He is a fool to himself without doubt.
As expected Xi Jinping’s action in South China Sea is taken the course all expected. The flotillas of “stealth” China Fishing Boats into the disputed area place innocent citizens at risk for the sake of Xi Jinping’s political game play. Chinese fishing boats have been fired on and Xi Jinping does nothing. His new stealth jets have taken to the air. Not combat tested or airborne for extended flights. Xi Jinping supports North Korea against UN Sanctions. Why is China in the UN other than to emasculate it? That is the only reason. New Interpol Head is linked to China Communist Party. CCP look forward to more financial fugitives turning themselves in or returning voluntarily to China. Xi Jinping’s family living abroad are exempt from investigation. They are, after all, managing Xi Jinping’s “secret” assets. Xi Jinping also continues to avoid the Panama Papers Scandal & the rich harvest of corrupt CCP officials, families mentioned in it. Some named are too close to home for Xi Jinping.
Xi Jinping promotes a hard line against Hong Kong citizens & Law. Some elected candidates made a protest against CCP in their oaths. A very small misdemeanour pounced upon by CCP and blown up from a molehill to a mountain. CCP has been shown to be unlawful. More World headlines condemning HK Administration & CCP are expected as the issue takes its course. If CCP were not so paranoid they could’ve ignored the Oaths issue & HK would have just got on with Business. No adverse headlines. CCP is incapable of thinking beyond enforcement of their Power & Control. Donald Trump is set to assume US Presidency on 20th January. CCP should not forget that he was elected by the people. That so many did not vote was also within their Rights in US Democracy. CCP does not allow a free vote in China regardless of its so called “democratic elections”. China economy still struggles. India boycott of China goods gains more support. When will CCP review its strategies & become a respected member of the World Community? Not in the foreseeable future.
The graphic has been included in My Disrespectful campaign & the text of this email will appear in my blog shortly.
Chris Jones
8.10.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
CCP Corruption - Xi is at the centre of it
Dear Ambassador & Consul General,
You have not provided an explanation for the Open Letter Requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. I am asking for it again.
The corrupt Shenyang Courts have not contacted my wife regarding the illegal court case created by corrupt officials of Shenhe District Peoples Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998. They show no respect to Law. Chinese citizens and my wife. Consequently my Disrespectful Campaign continues. An ILLEGAL case created by CORRUPT OFFICIALS is too difficult a matter to resolve. Corrupt officials in NPC protect these Courts.
Xi Jinping continues to praise his Anti-Corruption campaign. Many, many officials have been punished. Not one of them is a friend of Xi Jinping. Incredulous that of all the millions of corrupt CCP members & officials Xi’s friends are all incorruptible, honest & hard at work for the benefit of China. Some may believe that rubbish but I do not. Xi Jinping is corrupt. There is no doubt of that. If Xi Jinping was not corrupt there would be no corruption existing in CCP or China today. A person with his Power can rid China of corruption. But he would have to destroy China Communist Party in the process. So his Anti-corruption campaign will remain what it is – a feather duster over corruption and a farcical failure.
China Communist Party officials have been invited, through Twitter, to make comment on behalf of and in support of CCP actions. None, including yourselves have been forthcoming. It is assumed that CCP cannot defend its actions. Even the CCP Media Propaganda Mouthpieces have been silent. It is noted that CCP Propagandist Team has let the CCP side down over recent times. Misrepresentations, distortions, errors & inane reports have made them lose face and confidence.
CCP military actions throughout the World are of interest. Xi looks to increase his power, globally, and show citizens that he is a strong & worthy leader of China. Xi Jinping is not & will not be a respected Leader in the World. CMC & PLA are instrumental to his continuing control. Whether they will support his War games will be a test of strength, prudence & loyalty. Xi Jinping demands loyalty through bullying & repression. Xi Jinping is fearful of the collapse of China Communist Party and, through his methods, works hard to achieve its collapse Memory of USSR collapse drives him to maintain control & power. He & CCP must prevail.
The graphic has been tweeted & will soon appear in My Disrespectful Campaign of my blog as will the text of this email.
Chris Jones
Australia7.10.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
The Black Hole of CCP & Trade
Dear Ambassador & Consul General,
Even after a lengthy interval between my emails you have not found time to scribble an explanation for the Open Letter Requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. I can conclude that Xi Jinping will not authorise a response? Regardless. I ask for the explanation again.
And, of course. the corrupt Courts of Shenyang, supported by the corrupt NPC, have not contacted my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998. The continuing lack of Law & disrespect shown by CCP toward my wife ensures the continuation of my Disrespectful Campaign. Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign is as hollow as the head that conceived it.
CCP & CMC are fast approaching a historic moment in China history. The upcoming meeting in the Great Hall will either lay the ground for a better China or a continuation of its current path carved out by the psychotic & paranoid Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping’s Leadership style is based entirely on control & power. CCP & CMC are well aware of that. Repression is his tool to control citizens & CMC/PLA support him in that. So, looking inwardly at China, where does that tyrannical style lead? It leads away from the goodwill of the people & increases negative impacts on social unrest, anxiety, unease, lack of support & respect for CCP. The advancement of China is held back. CCP is solely responsible for those negative impacts & cannot shift blame, to “meddling foreigners”. External to China the CCP engenders only disrespect with the sad downward spiral of humanitarian values. Trade, with CCP, requires an in-trade of CCP repugnant values at the sacrifice of respected humanitarian values. The World is a stupid ass for committing to such a Trade. No less an ass is the Australian Federal Government.
Xi Jinping’s uncontrollable urge for Power in the World undoubtedly pushes China to the brink of War. A War like no other in the history of the World. He gambles on and hopes for a win for CCP. His lifetime Leadership of China would be assured, he thinks. He lacks the vision & objectivity to analyse the much wider ramification his war would have. World peace shattered, trade ceased & a massive rebuilding of everything imaginable. The psychotic paranoid megalomaniac, Xi Jinping, will not carry the burden of guilt alone. CMC & PLA will be equally guilty for supporting such a dictatorial Leader. I consider that the more moderate & loyal (to China) elements of CMC & PLA hold the key to China & the World’s (as we know it) future. So the upcoming meeting is not a time for “rubber stamping” Xi Jinping’s demented strategies. It is a time for those with Power in China to protect China & put it on course to prosperity, respect & with the real unrestrained support of the citizens. Become a World Leader for all the best reasons. Possible?
As usual the graphic will be tweeted & appear in the Disrespectful Campaign of my blog. The text of this email will also appear in the blog shortly.
Chris Jones
20/08/2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador & Consul General.
If you felt neglected (a note of sarcasm) due to a pause in my emails I assure you it was entirely due to failure of my NBN (Internet) connection. Obviously now restored.
You have not provided an explanation for the Open Letter Requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. I am asking for it again. I note that two open letters were sent regarding his resignation. I also note that an Open Letter was sent asking if he would Register CCP as a Legal Political Party. There has not been any response to any of the letters. Xi Jinping lacks many respected qualities but has a wealth of undesirable traits & qualities. The attached graphic has not been labelled defamatory by CCP and its assertion must, therefore, be considered accurate.
Corrupt Shenyang Courts have not contacted my wife in regard to the illegal Court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998. NPC supports its illegal Courts & corrupt Court Officials and has no respect for foreign Petitioners. The Courts continuing disrespect of my wife ensures my continuing Disrespectful Campaign. Xi Jinping would not want this Case to illustrate how “effective” his anti-corruption campaign is in reality. A sham and failure. Xi Jinping runs from the Panama Papers Scandal at a sustained rate deserving of an Olympic Medal for Avoidance.
CCP failed in its bid to buy Ozgrid (Ausgrid) Australian Electricity Supply Provider. Purchase blocked by Scott Morrison on Security of the Nation Grounds. The potential sale inspired my graphic “Understand CCP” . I sent it to him prior to his decision to block the sale. The Port of Darwin fiasco remains a sore point. Xi JInping’s threats against Australia may see a termination of the deal struck between China & NT Government in regard to the Port. The sale of anything to China interests should now be scrutinised more openly and thoroughly. Hopefully CCP will gain no further “investments” in Australia. Our milk is of high quality should China consider its import has both food & political merit. Xi Jinping’s arrogance is, at last, having the negative effect on China/World relationships that was expected. CCP has not yet committed him to a Mental Institution for his and China’s good. The option for that remains with CCP. If the CCP could learn to work with China citizens instead of repressing them China could take a massive leap forward. Over 1.3 billion human computers left in “standby” mode. A terrible waste of resources. Clearly the CCP is inadequate in countless ways and cannot “see the forest for the trees”. I have not noticed any improvement in CCP Propaganda. It is still a source of derision and just as mediocre as ever. The Egyptian hired by Xi Jinping seems to have made no positive change in CCP image. Please advise me instances of his input.
Both graphics- “Understanding China Communist Party” & “Character Assassination of Xi Jinping” have been Tweeted & included in my Disrespectful Campaign Blog page. A text of this email will appear in the blog shortly.
Chris Jones
07/08/2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
China Communist Party & Confucius Institute Ban from Australia
Dear Ambassador & Consul General,
You have provided no response to many requests for an explanation regarding the Open Letter Requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. Nevertheless I am asking for it again.
The corrupt Shenyang Courts, protected by Xi Jinping, have not contact my wife regarding the illegal court case created by the corrupt Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998. The case evidences the lack of Law in China. Illegal Courts & corrupt officials are protected not punished. Consequently I am compelled to continue My Disrespectful Campaign.
Do not get overexcited in regard to the email subject and Graphic. China Embassy and Consulate can remain in Australia. Xi Jinping continues to play games in South China Sea. Floating armada of fishing boats with China Coast Guard vessels in the disputed zone. A good waste of fuel, time, energy and to no avail. Is this strategy Xi Jinping’s? Or of some junior official trying to climb the ladder in CCP? An amazing feat of stupidity. It was not a good idea to threaten Australia on its stance regarding the South China Sea dispute. It was a very good way to get Australians offside with CCP. Another propaganda blunder by the inept CCP Propaganda Team. CCP continues its increased repression. Lawyers, dissidents, Tibetans, petitioners, Falun Gong, Uyghur, all protestors and dissenters all targets. Of course, CCP, is taking an active interest in the affairs of Hong Kong in its typically negative fashion. Support for CCP is on the wane. Xi Jinping is fearful that CCP regime will be fragmented and fall just as USSR did. That’s a Fact that CCP Propagandist Team cannot dispute. Also, will Xi Jinping register China Communist Party as a Political Party to legitimise its rule? No-one wants to answer from within CCP.
The Ban of China Communist Party & Confucius Institute in Australia has been expanded. All Groups who support them are also to be banned. They should be easily identified when they attempt to lobby the Australian Federal Government. Mr Wang & Co, Shenhe District Peoples’ Court 2010 should be proud of their actions and China’s loss of face. Mr Wang still popping those yellow tablets? Stomach troubles we were told.
The graphic has been Tweeted and will be included in My Disrespectful Campaign in the blog shortly. Also the text of this email will also be shown there soon.
Chris Jones
23/7/2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping - I am sorry
Dear Ambassador & Consul General,
You have still not provided an explanation for the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. I suppose the CCP Propagandist Team could be excused for their delay? Working very long hours spewing a plethora of mediocre propaganda onto Social Media. Xinhua News Net bogged down with the volume. The Editorial staff are surviving on stimulants trying to keep abreast of it.
The corrupt courts of Shenyang have made no contact with my wife. Very disrespectful. They enjoy the protection of Xi Jinping & NPC against any investigation into corruption. An illegal case is accepted under CCP Law. The illegal Court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998 lingers on. And so does my Disrespectful Campaign.
Xi Jinping is also quiet in regard to the Panama Papers Scandal and of any punishment meted out to CCP members/families linked to it. It is a very well kept secret as is the amount of China actual Debt. CCP & Xi Jinping would be aware of the “CCP – I am sorry campaign” waged on Social Media. I have made a small number of Tweets registering my sorrow. However, I have more sorriness than most Tweeters and feel that I should make a more enduring record of my overwhelming sorrow.
The attached graphic – Xi Jinping – I am sorry has been Tweeted and included My Disrespectful Campaign in my blog. The text of this email will also appear in the blog shortly.
Chris Jones
2.8.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
The Best Thing for China & The Rumour Monger 2
Dear Ambassador & Consul General.
Time flies when you are having fun? No explanation from either of your regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his resignation. I am asking for it again. China Global Times & other CCP propaganda outlets have also not been forthcoming. It appears that China Communist Party fears referring to the matter. Xi Jinping sensitivity?
The corrupt Shenyang Courts have not contacted my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998. Their continuing disrespect ensures my continuing Disrespectful Campaign. Mr Wang, Shenyang Peoples’ Court, was aware that the Life Claim was reduced from 80million to 25million in 2010 to help resolve the matter. Now it is at 28million due to further delays and increased Loss. Has Xi Jinping got a spare 28million? He is very quiet about China actual debt. Maybe no cash in the bank?
Global Times has bore the brunt of justifiable criticism. Their standard of Propaganda is appalling and is an embarrassment to Xi Jinping. Their threats made against Australia, in regard to South China Sea dispute, has heightened distrust of CCP not only by Australia but by all free Nations. CCP bullying is not acceptable. CCP should apologise to Australia for Global Times petulant and immature outburst. Unless, of course, Xi Jinping sanctioned their stupidity. If that was the case then Xi Jinping is a stupid, petulant & immature as Global Times Editorial staff. SCIO Twitter account is still active. Appears that SCIO are calling the shots in Beijing & Xi Jinping just gives them a rubber stamp to do as they wish. How much is it costing Xi Jinping to float Mad Vlad (Shorty) Putin’s little flotilla in South China Sea?
The attached graphics – Rumour Monger 2 & Best For China have been Tweeted & are in my Disrespectful Campaign of my blog. The text of this email will appear in it shortly.
Chris Jones
21.7.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping's War on Words & South China Sea Arbitration
Dear Ambassador & Consul General,
It is apparent that you do not intend to provide an explanation for the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his Resignation. I will ignore that and ask for it again. Somebody in China must have an explanation for it.
The corrupt Shenyang Courts have made no contact with my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang. Liaoning Province in 1998. Clear evidence that NPC supports corrupt Court Officials and the illegal court cases they create. Xi Jinping was taking measures to improve the image of CCP? Failed if Law is not respected and upheld. The continuing disrespect of my wife ensures continuation of My Disrespectful Campaign.
I note that a campaign is being waged in Social Media – Say sorry to CCP campaign. You know, I know, they know, everyone knows that no-one is sorry. Some fun at CCP expense. CCP has again shown it’s disdain for Law. The Arbitration found against the ludicrous claim of CCP to South China Sea. In accord with previous statement made by Xi Jinping the rejection of the decision by CCP came as no surprise. CCP now cries foul. CCP outsmarted itself by not attending at the Arbitration to put its argument. Therefore the arbitration could only consider the information put before it. What did CCP expect the result to be? Stupidly, it expected a decision in CCP favour. Xi Jinping mastered that result. CCP should be proud of him, at least to his face. CCP is not encouraging protests in China over the result. Academics, CCP officials & Journalists have had most to say. They are most knowledgeable of the Facts and skew them in favour of CCP. 1.3billion citizens are not parading down the streets protesting in support of CCP. So CCP have “restricted” protests, have under stated the extent of the protests or have closed down protests that were never made? Citizens have not been informed of such a significant International event? Typical CCP action. CCP Propaganda exercise has fallen in on itself. I congratulate CCP Propagandist Team for their consistent failures.
Repression has increased markedly since Xi Jinping put a ring through the nose of CCP and took complete control. It is his answer to everything considered negative to CCP. Surely you know that a Government that treats its citizens as enemies is doomed to fail. CCP and Xi Jinping are in denial, apparently. Cantonese is being phased out. Mandarin is the language for all China citizens. Democracy, dissidents, petitioners, China Law & Constitution, activists, Lawyers, Social unrest plus so many more words/titles are on Xi Jinping’s “Hit List”. Not to be used. They excite negative reactions to CCP. CCP can avert a looming major crisis regarding the South China Sea. Withdraw before the potential for spilled blood becomes a reality. CCP will not win the conflict regardless of Xi Jinping and his military bravado. CCP and China will fall with the psychopathic Xi Jinping. Many in CCP and China are aware of the potential disaster. A bed in a Mental Hospital awaits Xi Jinping and he can be sent to it based on his mental condition rendering incapable of leading China.
Both the attached graphics – CCP Arbitration & Xi Jinping’s War on words have been tweeted and included in Disrespectful campaign of my blog. Text of this email will appear there shortly.
Chris Jones
15.7.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Confucius Institute Takes Aim
Dear Ambassador & Consul General,
A gentle reminder. You must be very busy these days distributing CCP Propaganda & drumming up support for CCP – South China Sea. You have not provided an explanation for the Open Letter requesting the resignation of Xi Jinping. Surely some member of the Propaganda Team can author something intelligible. On reflection, probably not. I am asking for it again.
The corrupt Shenyang Courts have not contacted my wife regarding the illegal courts case created by Shenhe District Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998. Very disrespectful. As long as this case remains unresolved it shines as a beacon to foreigners. NPC supports corrupt & illegal Courts. Effectively no Law (other than rubbery) CCP Law in China. My Disrespectful Campaign must continue and it does.
South China Sea Arbitration did not favour CCP. I support the decision made on the basis of simple logic.
1/ A place name (English Channel)
is not a “Title” of ownership. It is a location.
2/ If I sat in the Great Hall of
the People every day for 30 years and ate my lunch there I could not claim to
own the Great Hall. I merely use it, as do others.
am biased against CCP but would have accepted the Arbitration decision had it
fallen another way. But, Xi Jinping, General of Chaos & Major of Mayhem,
has stood by his earlier decision. Not to respect the Arbitration ruling. He
can do that, of course. But that leaves the crisis in South China Sea unresolved.
Law denies claim of ownership made by CCP. CCP will not accept decision. I will
not go into the usual CCP arguments, denials, blame, selective Law observance.
Too much of a time waste for me. Suffice to say that CCP ignores Law if it does
not favour it and insists that Law be upheld when it favours CCP. No argument.
That is CCP strategy. Quite transparent and is a Fact. So Xi Jinping sits on
the islands waiting for an opposing Armada to come and “give him the shove” out
of the “disputed” zone. (Disputed by CCP). Some nuisance shoving may start the
process, Flights above the islands, ignoring CCP threats, and pushing CCP Navy
boats about. No shots fired. Xi Jinping, has now set an anchor on his seat and
“refuses to lose one inch”. Well, we know that Xi Jinping could not
afford to lose such a valuable inch. He would be rendered impotent. The efforts
to dislodge him become more vigorous. The islands are isolated from CCP supply.
Warning shots fired from both sides of the dispute. No bloodshed, at this stage.
Tempers fray, Xi Jinping’s face is in jeopardy. He needs support of the Great
Repressed & to show CCP he can deliver his “dream”. So, he stays put. Uses
his mouth. Allies are asked to join him. The crisis remains. No side prepared
to sail away. A small armed force is landed on an island to physically dislodge
CCP military. A CCP soldier is ordered to charge the attacking force. He is
shot. The Xi Jinping, Commander in Chief of his Medication, yells “War! You
have spilled the blood of China Military. You have caused this war!” And so a
real war becomes a reality. Outcome? Who knows? CCP strategy childish and
predictable.But by applying CCP Rule of Law (no Law if it is against, Is Law if for) all Trade Agreements, Treaties etc made with CCP can now be broken. CCP must be fair. Breaking Laws to suit a purpose cannot be confined to their singular use. So a Boycott of China comes into effect. China Economy, already sliding down with Xi Jinping’s popularity rating, is now torn apart. The allies that CCP has gathered are small and with poor economies. They cannot take up the economic “slack” caused by the Boycott of China. Goodbye Xi Jinping, CCP and China Economy. Xi Jinping is master of masterful destruction.
I am continuing my efforts to have Confucius Institute banned from Australia. The Australian Federal Government has acted without observing Australian values and against our Democracy. They have been asked to give their reasons why CCP is considered an admirable Teacher in Australian Education & Medicine. Considering the black reputation CCP has and that Australians fought against CCP Military forces in North Vietnam it places Australian Government in a difficult position. If they do not ban Confucius Institute they are supporting the barbaric CCP regime and its presence in Australia. I doubt very much that Australians will favour any support of China Communist Party. The Government will face a critical population.
Both graphics have been tweeted. The second graphic critical of the delay in Australian Federal Government response has not been included in My Disrespectful Campaign. First one has been included. The text of this email will appear in the blog shortly. I congratulate CCP on mounting a counter propaganda wumao campaign. A demonstrable failure, however.
Chris Jones
8.7.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping- Is Confucius Institute in Australia on borrowed time?
Dear Ambassador & Consul General,
I know you have access to email. So stop playing silly games. You have not given an explanation regarding the Open Letter Requesting Xi Jinping’s Resignation. And I am asking for it again now. I promise to include your unedited response in my blog. I keep my promises.
The corrupt Shenyang Courts have not contacted my wife in regard to the illegal court case created by corrupt Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998. The continuing disrespect of my wife ensures the continuation of my Disrespectful Campaign.
Confucius Institute is currently teaching in Australian Education, as you know. It is the progeny of CCP and is supported by Xi Jinping. Therefore, it must be banned from Australia. I would not have been aware of the Confucius Institute infiltration into Australian Education and Medicine had it not been for the corrupt Courts of Shenyang. CCP taught me well in the nearly 7 months I spent in China in 2008 and 2010. I also contacts who provide me with information, some within CCP. I have Tweeted that Xi Jinping is delusional. He so readily accepts that grassroots CCP are loyal to him. He should rethink that. Many CCP applaud him publicly but in private are highly critical and non-supportive. The foundation of CCP is crumbling under the weight of Xi Jinping megalomania, authoritarianism and his anti-corruption campaign. The direction he is taking China is also being criticised as is his management of China Economy. These are not minor issues concerning just a few CCP members. Many CCP members are looking over their shoulders wondering when Xi’s Anti-corruption Police will knock on their door or put a hand on their shoulder. His silence in regard to Panama Papers Scandal and the lack of action against those linked to the scandal fuel ant- Xi Jinping sentiment. Even with the World’s most powerful computer at his disposal, Xi Jinping, cannot determine the amount of China Debt? He cannot crow about the Computer’s capacity on one hand and on the other hand say it cannot compute China debt. More probably, he does not wish to make the amount Public. The South China Sea conflict will be a defining event for CCP and China. Of course, I am prejudiced against CCP. But regardless of my feelings toward CCP I only see a catastrophe for China. The fall of CCP will be nothing compared to the building of a new China Government and the anxiety of the citizens. 12th July International Court Decision looms above the horizon.
The Australian Democracy does allow me to be critical of Australian Government without fear of gaol, intimidation or threats. Xi Jinping does not rule here.
The attached graphic – CCP masked as Confucius Institute Takes aim at Australian Education - attacks both Confucius Institute and Australian Politicians who allow it to be in Australia. It has been Tweeted, is included in my Disrespectful Campaign of my blog and text of this email will appear there shortly
Chris Jones.
Australia5.7.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping has many fears
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
You have not provided an explanation regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his resignation. I am asking for both, now. He really should resign.
The corrupt Courts of Shenyang have not contacted my wife regarding the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998. Clearly the so called anti-corruption campaign, the brainchild of Xi Jinping, is inherently flawed. It is too selective. It targets factions opposed to Xi Jinping and fails to remedy the simplest of cases. There is no Law in China when illegal courts and corrupt officials can continue in the System in obvious impunity. If anyone wishes to argue to the contrary I will listen and include it in my blog if it is not inane propaganda. While their disrespect of my wife continues so does my Disrespectful Campaign.
Xi Jinping is a magnet. He attracts attention to CCP for all the wrong reasons. His recent childish action against Lady GaGa in “reprisal” for her association with HH Dalai Lama is exactly that. A childish response to such a minor event. But Xi Jinping, overpowered by his chronic paranoia, is fearful of HH Dalai Lama and his supporters. Has he any Advisors in CCP that he would and could rely on? These childish outburst bring discredit to the role of Leader and reputation of CCP. China (the Great Repressed) reputation is unblemished. They have no control over their dysfunctional Leader. Someone should try and control his idiotic responses before they reach World attention. Xi Jinping, supposedly Master of China Economy, has yet to make Public the amount of China Debt. Does anyone in China know what the amount of Debt is? He pursues “ownership” of South China Sea with vigour and purpose (even if misdirected) but does nothing about the Panama Papers Scandal and the CCP members/families linked to the scandal. Amazing dereliction of duty. Unaware of his Country’s Debt and avoiding an investigation into CCP linked to Panama Papers Scandal. What will Xi Jinping do on 12th July? Go to war over South China Sea. CCP are a party to this gamble of all gambles. Should a military conflict ensue the repercussions will not rest only in the region. I can only speculate on outcomes. However, the fall of CCP and Xi Jinping are realistic outcomes. A win by CCP is possible but highly improbable. So, Xi Jinping will be keeping his insomnia and paranoia company and grip on CCP for a little while yet.
The attached graphic “Xi Jinping, a paranoid delusionist, has many fears: has been tweeted and included in My Disrespectful Campaign page of the blog. Text of this email will appear there shortly.
When will the much anticipated improvement in CCP propaganda come into effect?
Chris Jones
2/7/2016 - Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping Labours under the strain
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
No response from you regarding a request for an explanation of the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his Resignation. I had hoped he would have made a decision by now. To resign and offer an explanation. I am asking for an explanation again and that Xi Jinping consider his resignation.
He honours no pledges and misused “purity” during his recent speech to CCP Party faithful. Is it true no past Leaders attended the Anniversary and were spared listening to the mediocre propaganda uttered by Xi Jinping, Leader with Pinocchio Characteristics? It was so boring that Xi Jinping appeared to fall asleep during his oration. Possibly it was an extended blink? He announced his displeasure of the meeting between Lady GaGa and HH Dalai Lama. How quaint. He can be assured that no-one gives a toss for his displeasure. Remarkably, he shows his lack lustre Leadership in making absurd attacks on HH Dalia Lama and those who choose to speak with him. Hong Kong is in turmoil. CCP is not in favour and there has been calls to return to British Rule, That would lubricate HK travel into a Democracy. CY Leung’s proven impotency in dealing with Xi Jinping has fuelled discontent. Xi Jinping, too has shown his total inadequacy to conciliate or negotiate. China Communist Party advertises its dysfunction and incapacity to defuse situations and its tendency to repress, intimidate, provoke and detain dissenters. Such “brilliant” strategies expected of Xi Jinping and he never fails to produce.
The graphic attached – Xi Jinping Labours under the strain breaks wind & into a cold sweat has been Tweeted and included in Disrespectful Campaign page of my blog. Text of this email will feature in the blog shortly.
Chris Jones
Australia 1/7/2016 - Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping Avoids PanPapers Scandal. China debt?
Dear Ambassador & Consul General,
Even after a longer interval between my disrespectful emails you have not made a response to my request for an explanation regarding the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. Your Beijing masters and their Propagandist Team cannot complete such a simple task? Even a lie response? I am asking for it again, anyway.
Expectedly, corrupt Shenyang Courts have not contacted my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Court, Shenyang, Liaoning province, in 1998. The case reeks of corruption (Hello, Xi Jinping, anti--corruption Crusader?) and remains an illegal case created by the Court. No Law in China -confirmed by NPC. No ant-corruption -confirmed by Xi Jinping. Consequently my Disrespectful Campaign continues.
No new graphic. A return to an old issue. Panama Papers and whether Xi Jinping (Crusader against Corruption) will investigate and punish those linked to the Panama Papers scandal. The only sound he has made so far is breaking wind. I have tweeted that daily occurrence. But I have been unable to Tweet anything regarding the corrupt CCP linked to the scandal. Xi Jinping’s memory lapse, or his selective memory, needs a prod. A reminder. A required response is still on his “To Do List”? No-one really expects him to act against his CCP friends. It confirms that his anti-corruption campaign has the same genuineness as Law in China. None. Typical of most, if not all, CCP initiatives and promises. In Government it is essential that the Economy is well managed with as much foresight as possible to account for unexpected crisis. Except in China. Xi Jinping, Master of all things China is masterfully Mastering the China Economy. Or so he would have people believe. CCP either doesn’t know (highly probable) or does not intend to divulge (distinct probability) the amount of China Debt as at 2016.3.31. He encourages foreign investment in China, joint ventures, trade, and loans. The gullible and greedy may indulge themselves for the present and regret that in the future. The clear position is simply this. China Communist Party has no control over the China Debt. The warning to potential Investors, should they consider risk V positive outcomes, is to avoid China. India, South Korea offers less of a gamble. And lack of China Law places Foreigners at risk. My wife’s case is an example but there have been many more cases given prominence in World Press. South China Sea looms as a test of Xi Jinping. He has stated he will ignore Court decision and claim the region as China. If the outcome goes against CCP what will he do? Got to War or evacuate the islands he has illegally claimed? How will his decision affect those faithful to China Communist Party? A distinction made between the faithful and those that belong to CCP. I am sure Xi Jinping knows exactly what I allude to.
I have not re-Tweeted this graphic – Panama Papers scandal because I did that recently. It is already in my blog – Disrespectful campaign. The text of this email will be added to my blog shortly.
Chris Jones
22.6.2016 - Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping Masterfully Masters China Economy?
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
You have not provided an explanation for the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. I will continue to ask for one. Is there a need to continually confirm the inadequacy of CCP Propagandist Team? They are unable to provide an explanation? No wonder Beijing masters are dissatisfied with them.
Corrupt Shenyang Courts have not contacted my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court in 1998. Such deplorable disrespect ensures continuation of My Disrespectful Campaign. But perhaps they are not responsible? Maybe no money left in CCP Treasury?
China Economy and Law remain at the forefront of World attention. China economy remains on shaky ground with refusal or inability of CCP to provide China’s actual debt. Still, Foreigners flock to China to invest in China. As CCP knows, Greed blinds and deceives. Their famed expertise in Corruption is an example. The Great Repressed blinded from it and deceived by CCP. Has Xi Jinping really forgotten about the Panama Papers scandal and the CCP members/families linked to it? Or has he chosen not to investigate and punish the offenders? He shows great enthusiasm in having corrupt officials returned to China from overseas. A bit odd that those so available in China escape his attention? Not really. His sham anti-corruption campaign is all about Power and how to get more of it. He says there are to be no factions. Except his, of course. I am not saying that Xi Jinping is two-faced. No, he has many more faces than that he can use as the occasion requires.
I have used the illegal court case to illustrate how Law and Economy are managed in China. No Law (only CCP Law). No money (for compensation of loss created by CCP). I look forward to a response to that claim. Xi Jinping could jot a note? Perhaps the Egyptian Import to the CP Propagandist Team could exercise his skills and pen a response?
Best joke this week. CT Leung writes letter to Xi Jinping suggesting improvements in relationships between HK and CCP - Booksellers fiasco. If Leung was a man (he has the appearance of one but there the similarity ends) he would board a plane, fly to China, slap Xi in the face. Slap him again to get his attention. Then demand an apology to HK for CCP contemptible actions. The nearly Man sends a letter and then goes to bed. Not on top of the bed but hiding beneath it waiting for Xi Jinping’s Memorandum of Serious Consequences. Can anyone have respect for Leung?
The graphic - Xi Jinping, Master of Mastering all things China, Masterfully Masters China Economy? Has been Tweeted and included in my blog- Disrespectful Campaign. Text of this email will feature in the blog shortly.
Chris Jones
18.6.2016 - 2nd email - Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Confucius Institute an Instrument of CCP
Dear Ambassador & Consul General,
I will allow myself a small abridgement from my earlier email of today. Xi Jinping Resignation. No response.I ask again. Corrupt Shenyang Courts.No contact with my wife. Disrespectful Campaign continues. That is about it in a nutshell.
Moving on. I oppose any attempt by CCP to have a Propaganda Factory in Australia. Confucius Institute is the offspring of China Communist Party and it’s teaching is selective and deceptive. I am urging it to be banned from Australia. Our Australian trained Teachers are well qualified to teach China history, culture and Language. Australia has no need of CCP Confucius Institute and their sanitised version of history. CCP also moves to remove use of Cantonese from China language and insists on Mandarin. Even language in China is being eroded by CCP. I note that other Countries have booted Confucius Institute out and good on them for doing it. The Australian Government, possibly grovelling at the feet of Xi Jinping ignored his smelly feet and tarnished reputation, welcomed CI into Australian Education. Australia is a Democracy, however, and that unfortunate decision may well be reversed. Australia is not an outpost of CCP or supporter of its propaganda. Confucius Institute will have no foothold in Australia including in the field of Medicine. On 2.7.2016 an Election will be held in Australia and the people will elect a new Government. There are no elections in China other than CCP “electing” CCP Leader etc. CCP is quick to criticise Democracy. Australian Government is currently in “caretaker mode” and it is unlikely that any real attempt will be made to ban CI until after the election result is known. Then pressure will be applied to the elected Government. I will continue to oppose CI In Australia for as long as necessary. My Tweets now point to CCP- CI in regard to Human Rights violations, lack of Law and CCP atrocities. Linking all CCP bad eggs in one basket highlights why CI must go. My propaganda is superior to CCP.It is truthful and based on indisputable Fact.
I have Tweeted the attached graphic - Confucius Institute an Instrument of CCP, and it has been included in My Disrespectful Campaign page of the blog. The text of this email will shortly join the text of my earlier email in my blog.
Chris Jones
18.6.2016 - Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Say No to China
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Your predictability is as sure as the rising and setting of the sun. No explanation from either of you regarding the Open Letter Requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. So I am asking for it again. Surely the CCP Propagandist Team, for all its shortcomings, can pen a response? Perhaps the criticism made against it by CCP is warranted? I know it is.
The corrupt courts of Shenyang have not contacted my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998. Their continuing disrespect and support for corruption and illegality assures the continuation of my Disrespectful Campaign. It continues.
CCP has not made any perceivable improvement in its Propaganda. Still just as mediocre and a distortion of facts. SCIO thumb print over some of it. CCP has caused a furore over the HK Booksellers incidents and the actions they took. Does Xi Jinping, even at his least delusional moment, consider that the reputation of CCP is salvageable? Every day CCP finds ways to sink further into a mire of its own making. No more snorkels for CCP. They have sunk so low that they need SCUBA gear. I would not provide it or any lifeline. I prefer to see CCP sink into oblivion. You are probably aware of that. Has the Egyptian Import to CCP Propagandist Team made any published release of his handiwork? It has passed unnoticed if he has. CCP has ignored World condemnation for its actions. A Chinese Lesbian trying to push her case in the Courts has been told that she has not been denied her Rights. The Court ignores her (as Shenyang Courts ignore my wife) and consider that NOT TO BE a denial of Legal Rights. Amazing. If Xi Jinping falls out of a boat I will ignore him and tell him that it is his fault he is drowning and is not my fault because I ignore him. It is the same idiotic logic as that applied by your Courts. CCP idiocy always rises to every occasion.
The attached graphic – Say No to China sets out some of the actions taken by CCP that are offensive, crimes against humanity and have been widely condemned. CCP has, in its usual arrogant and belligerent way, ignored criticism and the calls for an end to their repugnant actions. A call to damage the China Economy has been made. CCP cannot afford further deterioration of China Economy, even through its own mishandling, and cannot control external actions taken against it. The graphic has been Tweeted and is included in My Disrespectful Campaign blog page.
Chris Jones
12.6.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Lost In China
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
More people are losing respect for the CCP Propagandist Team. Not only is their propaganda sinking in a mire of mediocrity they also do not have the capacity to offer an Explanation for the Open Letter Requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. I am asking for it again now.
The corrupt Shenyang Courts have not contacted my wife in regard to the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998. Highly disrespectful of them. So my Disrespectful Campaign also continues.
I am blocked from more and more CCP Tweet accounts. As are others who ask probing questions. No problem. Each block is tweeted to advise everyone how cowardly CCP is. On that note the attached graphic – Lost in China is an Appeal to find China Communist Party Officials or members authorised to make public responses on behalf of CCP. The both of you are exempt as you have proven not to have the necessary anatomical requirements. It is unlikely that any qualified individuals will take up the invitation. They are required to respond publicly. Wang Yi made a very public response and earned a mountain of criticism. An official possessing more admirable qualities is suggested. Not Xi Jinping. His mind wanders off into the “unknown inner sanctum” of his troubled brain. Someone who can form words into an intelligible sentence. That would also disqualify anyone from SCIO. You can see the difficulty in trying to locate suitable candidates?
The Graphic – Lost In China has been Tweeted and is in My Disrespectful Campaign of my blog. Text of this email will appear in the blog shortly.
Chris Jones
9.6.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Boycott China
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Your silence is the equal of that in Mao’s tomb. No explanation from you regarding the Open Letter Addressed to Xi Jinping requesting his Resignation so I am asking for it again now. Your resolute lack of response is no stronger than my tenacity to seek one. But I will not call it a Draw. No, I still want an explanation.CCP Propagandist Team are so incompetent.
Predictably corrupt Shenyang Courts have not contacted my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, in 1998. Their continuing disrespect requires the continuation of My Disrespectful Campaign. It is always a challenge to find new items to show disrespect and I enjoy the challenge. CCP face, what is left of it, glows red. A little red dot near The Great Wall in Beijing. Seen from satellite.
CCP handling of the China Economy has pushed China to the brink of bankruptcy. CCP so scared of collapse that they refuse to provide an accurate report on the state of the Economy. An honest one, that is. Now there is a twofold problem facing China. CCP corruption (rotten to the core) and CCP mismanagement of the Economy. Xi Jinping and SCIO must get their heads together and find a solution. Quickly. Who is Leader , SCIO or Xi Jinping. Then what to do? Who is to do what? Who is to be the scapegoat? SCIO? Xi Jinping? Li Keqiang? CCP Propagandist Team? When the Economy tumbles what then? Can CCP Elite escape China before they are caught by The Great Repressed and PLA? Will the bodyguards turn on their masters and hand them over to PLA? What Funds secreted outside China will still be available to them should they make a successful escape. If the funds are frozen what then? Will they open China Takeaways? Will they leap from tall buildings and hope for a soft landing? They cannot pray for help or guidance because they are atheist. What of the low ranking CCP members. What will their future hold. Will anyone care if they have no future? Will Tibetans seek retribution beyond the barbarism of CCP? Who has the answers? I would ask SCIO but they have blocked me from their Twitter account. Will I return to China to join in the celebration of the fall of CCP? Definitely yes. Load up the Fireworks cannons. Have a huge party on Tiananmen Square and have fun with trapped CCP Members. Then rebuild China. An exciting prospect.
The attached Graphic – Boycott China has been Tweeted and is in Disrespectful Campaign of my blog. If CCP Economic failures can be exacerbated by peaceful International Protest then CCP would do well to consider their position. Review, revise and change flawed thoughts and direction. CCP heads must and will roll. Gu Kailai will not be happy.
Chris Jones
6.6.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
State Council Information Office- A servant of Xi Jinping or an equal in Control
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
You know what you have not done. So I am asking again for an explanation regarding the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. CCP avoidance of responding to questions truthfully and politely is becoming more apparent to World audience.
And the corrupt courts of Shenyang, protected under the umbrella of corrupt NPC and Xi Jinping, have mode no contact with my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998. My Disrespectful Campaign continues as required.
My new CCP foe, State Council Information Office, deserves special attention. They have blocked me from their Twitter Account (the one linked to China State Council chaired by Li Keqiang) for being disrespectful, I assume. Such poor players in the Propaganda Game. Touch a nerve and they call the Game off. Leave the arena taking the bat and ball with them. Calling “Foul Play”. Just because they got stumped by difficult to answer questions. It is unclear whether Xi Jinping, Commander in Chief of his own Medication and Leader with Pinocchio Characteristics, gave SCIO autonomy in their Tweeting or SCIO assumed the Right. Certainly, SCIO made an ass of themselves and Xi Jinping (as per content of the graphic attached). If Xi Jinping has allowed SCIO freedom of expression then he would not mind the embarrassment they have caused to CCP and himself. Such a display of adolescent, asinine Tweeting. If he did not give sanction then the SCIO termites have nibbled away quite a chunk of his claimed supreme control. So who controls CCP and China? Xi Jinping with who else? SCIO mental midgets? SCIO Twitter account remains active. It would appear that Xi Jinping approves his and CCPs further embarrassment. He must be the Champion of Red Faces? No amount of embarrassment is too much? I remain an opponent, playing my Propaganda against CCP Propaganda with the utmost disrespect.
The Graphic – State Council Information Office has been Tweeted and is in the Disrespectful Campaign of my blog. Text of this email will appear their shortly.
No news of anyone linked to Panama Papers Scandal? CCP members/families not investigated? Still free to enjoy “the fruits of their labour”?
Chris Jones
2.6.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
State Council Information Office supreme over Xi Jinping
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
You have not provided an explanation for the Open Letter requesting the resignation of Xi Jinping. Your refusal to provide one requires me to ask for it again.
The corrupt Shenyang Courts have made no contact with my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998. Their continuing disrespect necessitates my continuing Disrespectful Campaign, I hear that the brother of the Defendant in my wife’s case has been arrested and all his assets seized. He was running an illegal money lending business. He probably bribed the wrong Official or did not pay enough. Tell the Police that he has funds elsewhere. Just watch how he lives “without money” and they can catch all his family hidden cache. Has anyone investigated middle court Head yet? He purchased an office block soon after his promotion. Smells of corruption. I am in Australia, not Shenyang. But we all have information sources don’t we?
State Council Information Office has caused embarrassment to Xi Jinping and CCP. Their loathsome Tweets in recent days regarding Tibet went viral and they came under strong criticism. I will not repeat information included in this Graphic – CCP State Council Information Office Over rides Xi Jinping Control, Embarrasses Xi Jinping – Twitter. However, it must be said that SCIO appear to have treated Xi Jinping disrespectfully. They have not consulted with him for his approval of their Tweets. Is SCIO above Xi Jinping? They can determine their Internet Information releases autonomously? No need to confer with the Commander in Chief? They have caused no embarrassment to Xi Jinping? There is no reason for their Twitter account to be “unplugged” and their website monitored and supervised to ensure no future disrespectful and embarrassing media releases? Xi Jinping faces another dilemma caused by CCP Officials exerting Power they do not actually hold. Is Xi Jinping Power House crumbling at its foundations? He must remedy the situation immediately or lose face not only in China but throughout the World. SCIO Heads will roll?
I am not disappointed that SCIO blocked my access to their Twitter account. Their blocking only confirmed to everyone what gutless cowards they are. I win CCP loses, again
The graphic has been Tweeted, included in my Disrespectful Campaign and the text of this email will appear in my blog shortly.
Chris Jones
1.6.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping His major part in downfall of CCP
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
You have made no response to my request for an explanation of the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. I am asking for it again. The World awaits your response.
And the corrupt courts of Shenyang have made no contact with my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998. Highly disrespectful of my wife as well as ignoring China Constitution and China Law. My Disrespectful Campaign also continues.
There have been calls from CCP for overseas Investment in China Companies. Investors must consider the continuing decline of China economy and the lack of support given by CCP to State Owned Enterprises. The Fools of this World may be prepared to put their fortunes at risk. It will be interesting to see if anyone takes up the shady invitation. The Peoples’ Daily has not crowed about the International Investors it wanted to attract. Since CCP always crows loudly when anything falls their way and there has been no crowing, it is assumed that any investment they attracted was negligible. Perhaps Peoples’ Daily could run an article advising of the success of their investment invitation? Even better if they reported on the action taken by Xi Jinping, the Great Crusader against Corruption, against CCP members/families linked to the Panama Papers scandal. The China Economy continues on its downward slide. Clearly the “masterful” management of Xi Jinping and his CCP Expert Advisors has failed to halt or reverse the decline. CCP is unable or unwilling to advise on the actual state of China Economy. The World is left to assume the worst since CCP is not crowing about any strategies they have in place to improve the economy. Debt continues to rise and the actual Debt figure is a well kept secret. And 4.6.1989 anniversary nears. Have no fear the incident will never be forgotten and CCP will be forever reminded of the atrocity. When CCP falls the fate of CCP members may be treated very unkindly by The Great Repressed. I cannot imagine what they would do to their ex-Repressors. Perhaps you and Xi Jinping can? Not a friendly handshake and let bygones be bygones, I think.
The attached Graphic- Impotent Xi (and he is an impotent Manager) – his major part in the downfall of China Communist Party is not new. But It is still appropriate, It has been Tweeted and already resides within My Disrespectful Campaign of my blog. The text of this email will appear in my blog shortly. It shows, along with the many already sent, how cowardly the CCP is. It is unable or unwilling to refute claims made against it. Very weak.
Chris Jones
31.5.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Mr. Fixit
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Still no explanation for the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. I am asking for it again, now. The author/s of the Open Letter still remain unknown? Must have been a “Ghost Writer”. But it was written and published. Explanation required and identification of the author is not necessary.
Corrupt Courts of Shenyang have not contacted my wife in regard to the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang in 1998. I remind you the judgement was delivered by a person unqualified to be a Judge and she also changed Court records to make it appear that two other required Judges sat at the Hearing. Illegal and corrupt. Their continuing disrespect of my wife requires the continuation of my Disrespectful Campaign and it is continuing. Foreigners are well advised to consider the lack of Law in China.
CCP Propagandist Team have shown no sign of improvement in the quality of their Propaganda. Apparently Journalist are to receive training in Socialist Journalism. While that may result in less sensitive (to CCP) being reported in the Media and possibly written more intelligently it is probable that the quality will remain at the level of mediocrity. Students can only produce results up to the level of the expertise of their Teachers, usually. It is a certainty, therefore, that the Propaganda will show no improvement in quality. I have seen no reports of any apology made by CCP to Queen Elizabeth following Xi Jinping’s visit to England and his audience with her. You may recall she made a comment regarding the rudeness of CCP officials. Xi Jinping, the Great Crusader against Corruption, has not taken any action against CCP members/families linked to the Panama Papers scandal. Even more evidence supporting the claim that his anti-corruption campaign is a sham. CCP paranoia regarding “invasion of China” appears to be on the rise within CCP. The only hint of Military Aggression against CCP comes from the CCP. How paranoid is that? CCP admonished by Leaders at G20 but, as I suspect, other than making an acid response, CCP will ignore it and continue on, “business as usual”. CCP had hoped to improve their image on the World Stage. But in view of past, present and anticipated future performance any improvement shares the same probability of finding a Dodo laying an egg. Zero probability. The content of the attached graphic defines why Mr Fixit cannot fix it. If he can rise above his ego he may consider that to take the money and run back to the Land of the Pharaohs is his best option. Failure is not dealt with kindly by CCP unless it is within CCP where it is dealt with according to edict of Xi Jinping. Xinhua News Net Caixin and Peoples’ Daily still release incredibly inane reports. Their Journalists may benefit from further training? 4th June 2016 is very close now. I doubt that you will show any remorse for CCP atrocity. Xi Jinping would not allow that.
The graphic has been Tweeted and is my blog page Disrespectful Campaign. The text of this email will appear in the blog shortly.
Chris Jones
28.5.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
World Against China Communist Party
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
No response from you regarding an explanation for the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his Resignation. I am asking for it again, now.
Predictably the corrupt Shenyang Courts have not contacted my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang in 1998. Their continuing disrespect requires my continuing Disrespectful Campaign and it does continue.
CCP Propagandist Team, with or without input from the Foreigner Import, really made a joke of itself with the stupid report made against Taiwanese President. How idiotic. And it must have been passed for approval by Xi Jinping, Commander in Chief of his own Medication, because (according to Xi) he alone approves all media releases. What an embarrassment he is to CCP and China. Vietnam and USA have become friends and frozen CCP out. As CCP violations continue in the South China Sea the World can see that the risk to free trade and economy will become more acute as CCP militarises the region. CCP will alienate itself from the rest of the World and will crumble taking China with it. As I have said before, there will be chaos and pain with the fall of China economy, but Phoenix will rise from the ashes and China and the World will be better without CCP. Why? Because the new China Government and the World will work together to achieve it. CCP looks only after CCP and dooms itself. Xi Jinping, Leader with Pinocchio Characteristics, is on a gradual slide into that Mental Hospital bed reserved for him. The sooner CCP falls the better for all, except 88(?) million CCP members and Xi Jinping who face a very uncertain future. Zhang in Honk Kong. What a Public Relations catastrophe. Zhang had nothing to say other than that CCP will remain in control and that there will be no sanction for democracy. He should’ve stayed in China and avoided being seen as the ass that he is. Leung smile looked as if it had been surgically implanted and lacked genuine spontaneity. Could not expect anything different from a CCP hand puppet. Xi Jinping still very quiet regarding Panama Papers scandal. Still protective of his CCP friends.
I have not been able to identify any change for improvement in the mediocre style and content of CCP Propaganda. Has Foreigner Import made any input in CCP Propaganda releases? Surely not the comical Taiwanese President report?
The graphic – World Against China Communist Party has been tweeted and is included in My Disrespectful Campaign page of my blog. The text of this email will appear their shortly.
Chris Jones
22/05/2016 - 2nd email - Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
How I came to reign over China Communist Party
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Still no explanation from your regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his Resignation. I am asking for it again, now. Perhaps I should ask the Foreigner Import to CCP Propagandist Team for an explanation. We both speak English. Of course, Xi Jinping, Leader with Pinocchio Characteristics, would have to give his big nod of approval.
Corrupt Shenyang Courts continue their disrespect of my wife. No contact by them with her regarding the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998. My Disrespectful Campaign also continues.
I have reviewed the many emails I have sent and the Tweets I have made plus the content of my Blog- Chinese Legal Rights. I have reviewed the responses received from China Communist Party. That took next to no time since there have been no responses. I now lay claim to Reign over China Communist Party. Ludicrous? Incredible? Outlandish? On the surface it may appear that way. However, there is ample evidence that proves I am more powerful than Xi Jinping, Commander in Chief of his own Medication, and the dysfunctional China Communist Party. My power comes from the cowardice of CCP and Xi Jinping. They have no answer to my questions. They have tried to ignore my claims for several years now. They are too scared to give a response in case it proves to the wrong one. They cannot justify the persecution of Falun Gong and, if they fail to justify that, Jiang Zemin must be thrown to the wolves. CCP is damned if it does and damned if it doesn’t. CCP I gotcha! The continuing genocide in Tibet. CCP will not withdraw and cease it’s “integration of Tibetans” into Han Society. It has started something it cannot stop. It needs Tibetan resources, not least a viable water supply. It would lose face if it retreated. But it cannot justify its methods and continuing genocide. CCP does not respond, CCP I gotcha! The unresolved illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court in 1998 is a “gimme”. CCP I gotcha! CCP attempts to hide the Tiananmen Massacre 4.6.1989. Attempts to destroy all memory and observance of its anniversaries. They have provided no reason. CCP I gotcha! Poor management of China Ecology and lack of safe water, food and air. CCP has not responded to request for reports on environmental rehabilitation. CCP I gotcha! Explanation for the Letter Requesting Xi Jinping’s resignation not forthcoming. CCP I gotcha! Xi Jinping action against CCP members/Families linked to Panama Papers scandal and disclosure of how their wealth was amassed has not been provide after numerous requests. CCP I gotcha! I could go on and on and on. So with so much evidence available I now claim Reign over China Communist Party. It has handed me my Reign over it on a platter, Xi Jinping will be required to bow to me as a sign of his respect. All those who surrender are required to bow to the victor. He can send a DVD of his bow to China Consulate Sydney and I will pick it up from there! Xi Jinping is not the Commander in Chief he thought he was. He is the coward Leader of a coward Party pretending to govern China. Time for a change. CCP must go.
The graphic has been tweeted, is in my Disrespectful Campaign page of the blog. The text of this email will appear there shortly.
Chris Jones
22/05/2016 - Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping - Panama Papers Scandal and anti-corruption campaign
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
I hope you were not feeling neglected? My emails slowed a little recently. A victim of available Time. You have not provided an explanation to the Open Letter Requesting the resignation of Xi Jinping. The inadequacy of CCP Propagandist Team with the Foreigner Import to provide a Lie explanation is clear to all. Sack them and start afresh? I am asking for an explanation again, now.
The corrupt Shenyang Courts have made no contact with my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang in 1998. This issue will not go away. My Disrespectful Campaign continues spurred on by Shenyang Courts’ disrespect.
US and Japan are having joint military exercises and paranoid Xi Jinping objects to Indian ships in South China Sea. Masses troops on India/China border. He does nothing about the Panama Papers scandal and those CCP Members/Families linked to it. No explanation of where their invested wealth came from. No punitive measures taken against them. No Xi Jinping friends under investigation and snared in his Sham Anti-corruption campaign. 50 centers overworked posting huge amounts of rubbish on Social Media in an attempt to sway public opinion. Strategy exposed. CCP failed 100%. Distrust 100%.Idiocy 100%. Did Xi Jinping have any input in that strategy? It has his fingerprints all over it. Inept, paranoid, dysfunctional. When will he be sent off to a Mental Hospital? And the Headline Grabbing attention given to Zhang and his visit to Hong Kong? So many “bodyguards”? Considering his status within the CCP I would have expected at least one or two warships in the harbour and a sky filled with jetfighters and military helicopters. But nary a one. Is Zhang out of favour with Xi Jinping, to provide such a small bodyguard? And what are China Police doing patrolling the streets of Rome? The Pope will never allow CCP takeover of Rome. Xi Jinping should know that. Anyway the “skills” of CCP Police are there for tourists to see.
The attached Graphics have been Tweeted and the text of this email will appear in my blog shortly. The graphic are already in My Disrespectful Campaign. I wanted to remind all that the Xi Jinping anti-corruption campaign has a fatal flaw. Selective targeting only removes those targeted- by Xi JInping, The Great Pretender and protects those never to be targeted.
Chris Jones
17.5.2016 - Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping, Leader with Pinocchio Characteristics and his many Titles
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Still no explanation regarding the Open Letter Requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. Was the author a Ghost Writer and, therefore, untraceable? Even with all the powers at CCP disposal no author has been located. Amazing. But an explanation can still be given and I am asking for it again now.
The corrupt Shenyang Courts have been provided with SCUBA diving gear. They are submerged in their own corruption and need an artificial air supply to remain functional. Yes corrupt Courts can function in CCP legal system. They have not responded to my wife regarding the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998. Their continuing disrespect requires My Disrespectful Campaign to also continue. And it does.
Xi Jinping suffers from Pinocchio Syndrome. He is a consummate liar but, unlike the fantasy Pinocchio, his nose does not grow when he tells a lie. If his nose was to grow Xi Jinping would cut a dangerous swathe through his audiences. Xi Jinping has earned his new Title – Leader with Pinocchio Characteristics and I have bestowed that on him. Perhaps the title should be – Leader with Chinese Pinocchio Characteristics to show some differentiation from the well known Pinocchio (Long Nose) version. We can take his China citizenship for granted unlike Shenyang Courts who wanted a certified copy of my wife’s Australian Passport to prove that she was a foreigner. They had several copies. What will happen in Hong Kong? What will come out of CCP & HK Administration meeting? Any welcome surprises? Probably not. Xi Jinping military bluster on India border does nothing to bolster his reputation as a “strong” Leader. It confirms, yet again, that he is a paranoid bully incapable of consultation and self restraint. You have a very poor Leader in Xi Jinping. Under his Leadership CCP is doomed to failure under his reinvigorated Cultural Revolution. But he is your Leader and your problem. Unfortunately, his paranoia and dysfunction has an impact on his decisions affecting China and the World. Any plans to find a bed for him in a Mental Hospital yet?
The attached graphics have been Tweeted and included in the Disrespectful Campaign page in the blog. Text of this email will appear in the blog shortly. Sorry about the nose job. I did not want to spend more time on that graphic. It is good enough to make a point about the nose and why it grows.
I have not noticed any report that CCP Foreigner Import to Propagandist Team may have made an input. Same old mediocre CCP propaganda. He is still working? Hasn’t disappeared? Is still being processed through CCP indoctrination? He’ll be entirely useless if he goes through that.
Chris Jones
15.5.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
China Diplomats in Australia Surrender..block their email addresses
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Of course, no response to may previous request for an explanation regarding the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. I am asking for it again now.
The corrupt Shenyang Courts have made no response to my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998. Their continuing disrespect of my wife ensures the continuation no my Disrespectful Campaign. It continues indefinitely but I will also continue to remind you of that.
You have blocked my emails to you. Of no great consequence to me. Xi Jinping, Leader with Pinocchio characteristics, finally gave that instruction? To save you any inconvenience regarding “Pinocchio”. As I recall it is an Italian story of a woodworker who longed to have a son. He created one out of wood and it came to life. Every time Pinocchio lied his nose would grow. And, since Xi Jinping- General of Chaos, is a consummate liar I thought the Pinocchio Characteristics fitted him very well. You could pass that past your Foreigner Import to the Propagandist Team for his verification. He will only verify the story not Xi Jinping’s propensity to lie. Xi Jinping has confirmed that he is liar on countless occasions.
The attached graphic – China Diplomats in Australia Surrender to Australian’s Sensitive Questions. Block their email addresses. Has been Tweeted and included My Disrespectful Campaign in my blog. You can block your email addresses but that, in no way, stops me from, sending them and including their Text in my blog. You are the loser not me. I have claimed a victory of CCP after 6 years of insistent emailing. You have surrendered rather than provide answers. Does CCP have any “Face” left? Perhaps in the mirror behind the toilet door? The graphic explains my position very clearly and I will not expand on it in this email
But I am entitled to gloat. One small individual has caused China Communist Party to openly admit defeat. They are inadequate when faced with the insistent request for answers to probing questions. Their Propagandist Team (even with the Foreigner Import) impotent, unable to make even the weakest of responses. I am enjoying my victory over you. You have won nothing and I have beaten you. I have no answers but I do have explicit proof that CCP is cowardly, gutless, lawless, paranoid, dysfunctional and deserves no respect. I am ecstatic.
The text of this email will appear in my blog shortly
Chris Jones
14.5.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Tiananmen Square 4.6.1989 and Beyond
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Many a husband would envy your silence if their wives were blessed with it. But, in your case, your silence is merely confirmation that the CCP Propagandist Team (even with a Foreigner Import) is inept, unprofessional and inadequate. Impotent is a good description. I am asking again for an explanation regarding the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. I will not let this issue drop until I receive an explanation. But make it a good lie and one that stands out above the mediocre Propaganda CCP so easily circulates.
I am not devastated by the continued lack of respect shown by the corrupt Shenyang Courts in not contacting my Australian Petitioner wife, The illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court in 1998 remains fresh in History. As does the clear sign of corruption existing within China Court System today. I am angry, of course. I will be angry at anyone who hurts my wife. So I must continue My Disrespectful Campaign. Mr Gao wanted a copy of her Australian Passport to prove that she was a Foreigner. Apart from holding the document in his hands, scanning it into Court Records and it being recorded in China Border Security a copy was required to prove her foreign citizenship. A joke? A certified copy was provided through China Consulate Sydney on our final return to Australia in 2010.
I note that the Peoples’ Daily and Xinhua News Net have no reports regarding penalties applied to CCP Members/Families as a consequence of their link to the Panama Papers. It is assumed that Xi Jinping, in keeping with his sham anti-corruption campaign, has isolated them from any punitive action. The General Repressed (the Chinese People) would be unhappy about that. Perhaps the Foreigner Import could pen a report suitable for publication by the CCP media mouthpieces? I look forward to reading it. In any event the issue remains alive and discussed outside China. The enclosed graphic refreshes CCP memory of the 4.6.1989 atrocity in Tiananmen Square 4.6.1989. It also raises the issue of continued suppression of anniversaries of the atrocity in China and why CCP does it. Another opportunity for the Foreigner Import to the Propagandist Team to show his skills. They will have be good otherwise they will not be distinguishable from the usual mediocre CCP Propagandist Team reports. Xi Jinping, General of Chaos, believes that having assumed the role of Commander in Chief of Military Forces that he is actually in command, He believes that the Title – Commander in Chief is some sort of indestructible chain or net over CMC/PLA. It is just a Title and a Title is used to identify a role. No Power in that. Who is advising Xi Jinping? Some CCP zealot so imbued with CCP values that they are blind to objective reality? Should the CMC/PLA decide to join with the Great Repressed and pursue Democracy at the expense of the irrevocably corrupt repressive and barbaric CCP Xi Jinping and CCP probably would suffer as did the Chinese people under the Cultural Revolution. 80 million killed by Mao to achieve absolute Power and Rule over all China. Coincidentally the approximate number of CCP members. Now there’s a thought!
The Graphic has been Tweeted, is included in My Disrespectful page of my blog and the text of this email will appear in the blog shortly.
Chris Jones
12.5.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Western Democracy V CCP Dictatorial Rule
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
You have not provided an explanation for the Open Letter Requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. Your reasons are unknown so I am asking for it again now.
And just as consistent and predictable the corrupt Courts of Shenyang have not contacted my Australian Petitioner wife in regard to the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998. Their continuing disrespect is the trigger for continuing My Disrespectful Campaign. And it does continue.
I offer an opportunity for CCP to restore some of the damage it has caused to its credibility. Historically, CCP has either lied, denied, deceived or distorted in its attempts to minimise damage to itself. CCP Propaganda Team may yet learn that Truth is the best option, particularly, when responding to something that is widely and well reported Internationally. The attached Graphic gives examples of contradictions that are not confusing to the Free World but are evidence of CCP Propaganda Team failed truthfulness. I cannot believe my own naivety when, in China 2010, I said to my wife that I thought I could help CCP to deal with foreigners much better than they did at that time. The mindset of CCP is stuck in a rut, leading down the same old path and too deep to get out of. Not so long ago the CCP were bragging about their visit to UK and the audience they had with Queen Elizabeth. It has been tarnished recently by the unfortunate confession by the Queen that she found CCP Officials to be “quite rude”. The Queen keeps her opinions to herself, ordinarily, and it is a rare mistake she has made. However, her remarks are truthful. CCP officials are rude, arrogant and disrespectful. The best thing they can do is to apologise to the Queen and regret any offence they may have inadvertently caused. Short, adequate and respectful. Do not offer her a gift as that would be an insult. CCP saves face.
I am not going to list the questions already shown in the Graphic. CCP Propaganda Team could consider answering them truthfully. There is no harm in providing Truthful answers to these questions. They do not pose a threat to National Security and are not an “attack on the Internal Affairs of China”. The questions arise from my own experiences in China and from reports available in the Press and Internet. No doubt CCP would feel uncomfortable being open and refuting their previous statements. If they want to repair their credibility they must start somewhere. This is an opportunity to either take up or ignore and continue in the same old destructive rut. My advice regarding the Queen is given freely.
I do not expect any answers and have Tweeted the graphic, it is included in the Disrespectful Campaign page of my blog and the text of this email will appear in my blog shortly. I Tweeted that I sent you the graphic yesterday. I ran out of time. I doubt that the delay will have caused you any inconvenience or handicap in your timely response.
Chris Jones
9.5.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Panama Papers- CCP Corruption unpunished not forgotten
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Everyone can see that the both of you and CCP are unwilling to provide an explanation for the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of Xi JInping. Childish. Certainly lacking in professionalism and maturity. Regardless of your reluctance I am asking for an explanation again, now. CCP Propagandist Team is an utter failure.
The corrupt Shenyang Courts have made no contact with my Australian wife (Petitioner) in regard to the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998. Very disrespectful of them. Consequently I continue my Disrespectful Campaign.
I note that Xi Jinping (Who I have also given the additional title – General of Chaos) and CCP Propagandist Team have let slide any outcome from the Panama Papers Scandal. The CCP members/relatives linked to the scandal have not been punished. When the Propagandist Team make a response they should explain how these people amassed the fortunes that were secreted by them abroad. Having funds invested overseas is not a crime but how the fortune was amassed through corruption definitely and inescapably is. So Xi Jinping and CCP have some work in front of them. This CCP scandal will not be put to rest. If Xi Jinping wants to continue the pretence of maintaining an honest anti-corruption campaign he must address the Panama Papers Scandal and make an announcement. Or he and CCP can runaway and hide.
The attached graphic Panama Papers CCP Corruption has been tweeted, in my Disrespectful Campaign page of my blog and the text of this email will be included in my blog shortly.
Chris Jones
8.5.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping - The Leader of the Band
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
You have not provided even a lie explanation for the Open Letter Requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. Your Beijing Masters probably more concerned with the Panama Papers scandal and the upcoming anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre 4.6.1989. That is three things CCP wants the World to forget. But that will not happen.
The corrupt Shenyang Courts have not responded to my wife in regard to the illegal Court Case created by the corrupt Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998. Their disrespect shown against my Australian wife (the Petitioner) paints a clear picture of the disdain that CCP, NCP holds for Australians and China Law. So my Disrespectful Campaign also continues. It is CCP reputation that is being shredded, not mine.
Xi Jinping and his lack lustre Propagandist Team have launched more idiocy on the World. Xi Jinping (I have now elevated to General of Chaos) wants to ‘Outlaw” baseless comments. Everyone must be on the same song page, singing the same song. The Xi Jinping song. Now that Xi Jinping, Band Leader and Choir master extraordinaire, has given that direction to CCP Choir members he believes that it has come into effect. Immediately. Possibly it has, on the surface. But there is no denying, except in Xi Jinping’s muddled head, that the undercurrent of opposition to him remains intact. He and his very poor Propagandist Team seem always to pursue the Negatives in the hope of transforming them into Positives. So they are doomed to fail. They are unable to change their collective mindset that has purposefully been bundled into the single Xi Jinping mindset. So all brains “think” as one! Amazing stupidity. But, that is OK. Such flawed thinking will cause CCP to fail sooner than otherwise may have been anticipated. Xi Jinping will never be able to forget the Panama Papers Scandal. He and the CCP are so interwoven into its fabric that they cannot be disentangled. That is why Xi Jinping and that ridiculous CCP Propagandist Team want to sweep it under their very lumpy carpet. They will not be allowed to forget it. Xi Jinping really should hop into a Time Machine and return to the dark days of the Cultural Revolution. He will arrive there to greet Modern China, he has set for it to return to, and restore the Maoist Dream..
The Graphic- Xi Jinping The leader of the Band has been Tweeted, is in my Disrespectful Campaign in my blog and the text of this email will appear in the blog shortly.
Chris Jones
6.5.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Why Xi Jinping and CCP deserve World Condemnation
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Your show of reluctance to provide an explanation for the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping does nothing to enhance CCP already tarnished reputation. It would appear that CCP is quite happy to distribute its fanciful Propaganda on subjects it prefers. Apparently not on this sensitive subject. Incapable of a good lie statement. Regardless, I am asking for an explanation again.
The corrupt Courts of Shenyang remain stoically silent. No response to my Australian wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998.Their continuing disrespect of her encourages continuation of My Disrespectful Campaign. It continues.
Tiananmen Square Massacre, you may remember 4.6.1989 when CCP turned the Peoples’ Liberation Army onto Pro-Democracy Demonstrators? Another anniversary of the atrocity is fast approaching. We are all expecting the usual efforts by CCP to smother all references to the massacre. They will fail and only look bigger fools for trying. Along that line of condemnation of CCP I have created the attached graphic – Why Xi Jinping and CCP deserve condemnation. The graphic focuses on only a few of the atrocities carried out by CCP. I intend to Tweet it on a regular basis along with my Tiananmen Square Massacre Graphic tweeted recently.
The corrupt Courts of Shenyang may have saved themselves the resolution of an illegal Court case but they have brought shame and disrepute on CCP. The citizens of China are free of blame. I am happy to continue to shame CCP.
The graphic has been Tweeted, is in My Disrespectful Campaign section of my blog. Text of this email will also appear in the blog shortly.
Chris Jones
5.5.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping - Propaganda and Conspiracy concerns
Dear Ambassador & Consul General,
CCP Propagandist Team have still failed in providing you with an explanation for the Open Letter Requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. You must provide it or risk becoming a laughing stock. CCP unable to provide a lie. That is laughable.
The corrupt courts of Shenyang have made no contact with my Australian wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning province in 1998. Their continuing disrespect of my wife requires continuation of My Disrespectful Campaign. And it continues.
Xi Jinping has recently commented that there is no Conspiracy against him in CCP. He is either in denial, delusional or is just putting on “a brave face” being well aware that his CCP opponents are after his head. He is looking, old and fatter these days. Looking after everything in China is a very demanding job and he is not equal to the task. He is caving in under the pressure of work and trying to maintain control. It would be in the best interest of CCP and China if he was removed soon before his decisions cause irreversible damage to China and CCP. Should South China Sea develop into military confrontation it will be too late for CCP to extricate itself. That may be as little as a month or so away. So the weight of his decisions falls on CCP. The fate of China rests on CCP. The fall of China rests on CCP. The fall of CCP rests on China citizens. I seriously urge CCP to consider the direction Xi Jinping is taking them and the “serious consequences” of his actions.
Because of the lack of your response to the Open Letter Requesting Xi Jinping’s Resignation and the general failure of CCP Propagandist Team to release propaganda of a much higher standard and more truthful than deceitful I have created China Communist Party and Xi Jinping’s Propaganda War. I haven’t made it into several pages of CCP Propaganda idiocy that can be readily sourced. A Mini-version if you like.
The graphic has been tweeted, is in my Disrespectful Campaign and the text of this email will appear in my blog shortly.
Chris Jones
2.5.2016 - 2nd email Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Open condolence card to CCP - passing of Xi Jinping
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
My faith in China Communist Party is still intact. They are inept and underqualified. And that was the faith I have in them. Still no explanation for the Open Letter Requesting Xi Jinping to resign. CCP Propagandists unable to even provide a basic lie explanation. I am asking for it again, now.
The corrupt courts of Shenyang have made no contact with my Australian wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998. Their disrespect of my wife ensures the continuation of My Disrespectful Campaign. In a perverse way I enjoy the challenge of creating another jab at Xi Jinping and the CCP.
It appears that the China Economy, some Analysts had suggested was on the improve, is not improving but sliding ever so slowly downward. Xi Jinping should consider that his provocation of the West has the potential to damage China Economy beyond any control measures he would introduce. I say that because the China Economy has been built on the injection of Investment, Trade with the West. CCP did nothing, other than to open China borders and invite Westerners in. No big strategy there. The equal of turning on a tap and watching water run. A child can manage that. So, CCP in its unfathomable wisdom, could “manage” a rising economy rising of its own accord with minimal intervention. Now the China Economy is slipping and the “expertise” of CCP is seen to be anything but expert. If China Economy fails I would not be despondent. The World will recover from the calamity created by CCP. CCP, however, will not enjoy such a positive outcome and will fall. Xi Jinping and CCP are working very hard to achieve that outcome. And in that, I applaud their efforts and urge them to continue their strategy. Xi Jinping would be wise to consider his actions in South China Sea. It is an important International Trade route. I doubt that he has the capacity to realise the probable outcome for China if he continues his arrogant, idiotic claim in total disregard to the International Court decision that is to be handed down shortly. He is a “loose cannon”, as we say. A one shot wonder capable of destroying World Peace and China with it. No news yet about CCP Officials caught up in Panama Papers scandal?
So, in keeping with my theme of Xi Jinping’s uncontrolled paranoia and lunacy, I have created the attached graphic- Open Condolence Card to CCP- the Passing of Xi Jinping. Did anything happen around Xi Jinping around noon Beijing time today? I had a feeling that something was happening. Just a feeling, a twinge I had. Maybe he was just caught in a Lift.
The graphic has been Tweeted, is in My Disrespectful Campaign in the blog and the text of this email will shortly appear in my blog.
Chris Jones
2.5.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping - The Great Crusader
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
China Communist Party Propagandists evidently are not sufficiently qualified to provide a lie explanation for the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. They need to be replaced by better qualified personnel. I am asking for an explanation again, now. You can also add my request for Xi Jinping to resign. I have given many good reasons in support of that request for a considerable period and will not provide a lengthy request now.
Corrupt Shenyang Courts have made no contact with my Australian wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1998. They showed her no respect when we were in China and continue their disrespect to today. So, of course, My Disrespectful Campaign must continue.
Xi Jinping. Is he a respected Leader in the World? If you are completely besotted with his personality and character flaws you may find him very attractive and an excellent Leader. But in the real World, the one outside the influence of CCP and Xi Jinping’s legendary narcissism, he is not a respected Leader. He never can be. His Great Maoist Crusade has no admirable qualities or aims and objectives. He sees islands in the South China Sea as China territory. And he intends to have them, that is very clear. He will only consider the neighbouring Nations also laying claim to the disputed islands if they agree with CCP. CCP bully tactics. And trying to bully New Zealand into an arrangement to return Chinese citizens wanted by CCP if NZ wants CCP to buy NZ products? Bully, bully, bully. New Zealand does not need CCP markets. CCP needs to find safe food for its citizens that they cannot provide. Why not. Because of decades of delinquent management of China ecology. 80% groundwater undrinkable. Water from safe rivers is unsafe at the tap due to pollution gathered in the water articulation system. CCP has not invested the funds necessary to remediate the damage and restore air, land and water to levels that existed 30 years ago. Steal water from Tibet is their best answer. CCP is incapable of expansion without destruction, anywhere and everywhere. Please provide contrary information if you have it.
My graphic – Xi Jinping The Great Crusader is not intended as a complimentary item. That should come as no surprise to you. It is more of an expose of his crusade toward the destruction of CCP and China. His direct threat to World peace is of no concern to Xi Jinping. Which is why I also brand him as a Lunatic.
Graphic has been Tweeted, is included in My Disrespectful Campaign in my blog and the text of this email will also be included in my blog shortly.
Chris Jones
Australia30.4.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
If.. such a small word but its power should not be underestimated
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Surely it cannot be difficult for CCP to make a lie statement regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his Resignation? The CCP are adept liars and should manage the task without difficulty. You have made no response to my earlier requests for an explanation and I am making it again, now.
The corrupt Courts of Shenyang also notably quiet. No response by them to my Australian wife regarding the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998. How Time flies when you ignore China Law and support corruption of illegal Courts. The disrespect shown by the Courts ensures the continuation of My Disrespectful Campaign and it, assuredly, does continue.
An opportunity to reflect on World Affairs, particularly, those influenced by China Communist Party. Unfortunately I have no positive influences to reflect upon. Perhaps you would oblige and provide me with some. Free of inane CCP Propaganda please. I would not appreciate them. I am an Idealist, no doubt of that. There are very few things I have found in my lifetime that cannot be improved upon. And it is improvement that betters the World. So my “IF” was created to plant some thoughts in your World and mine.
If has been Tweeted and is in my blog, Text of this email will appear in the blog shortly.
Chris Jones
29.4.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping wants you to forget
Dear Ambassador and Consul General.
No response from you regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his resignation. I Tweeted that today with my request that he resign. I am asking for an explanation again, now. And as expected the corrupt courts of Shenyang stand steadfastly in support of their corruption. Not unexpected considering the lack of Law under CCP. My Australian wife has heard nothing from them in regard to the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998. Their disrespect of my wife demands continuation of My Disrespectful Campaign. And it is continuing.
Xi Jinping, Commander in Chief but not in command of his chronic, uncontrolled paranoia has been a busy boy of late. Laws affecting NGO’s have attracted world attention. The suspected pressure applied by CCP on India to deny Visas to HR activists has whipped up a whirlwind of condemnation. CCP is unaffected by any criticism. This draws me to today’s graphic – Xi Jinping wants you to forget. I have attempted to show how CCP employs propaganda to deflect interest from major issues by lighting small campfires to attract World attention. The major core issue recedes into the background. But if the CCP smokescreens are kept off centre stage then CCP “shields” are no longer effective. Smaller issues can still be dealt with but not at the expense of major concerns. Human Rights violations, atrocities in Tibet, Xi Jinping inaction on Panama Papers scandal, downturn in China economy, South China Sea incursions, persecution of Falun Gong, arrest of Lawyers and so many more are not swept under the CCP lumpy carpet. Not forgetting the anniversary of Tiananmen Square Massacre on 4.6.1989 will be high on the agenda for CCP Propaganda Team. I wish them every disaster.
As our Prime Minister Malcolm Turner (he visited China recently) said “ We live in exciting Times”. Indeed we do. Yes?
The graphic - Xi Jinping wants you to forget has been Tweeted and is part of my Disrespectful campaign. The text of this email will also be on my blog shortly. Damn. I missed a spelling error – Innovation not nnovation. That’s Life, not always perfect.
Chris Jones
24.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Certificate of Appreciation- Xi Jinping and CCP. A study for CCP Propagandists
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
No response, not even an easy lie response, from you in explanation regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping asking for his Resignation. I am asking for it now and also a request that he resign.
Corrupt Shenyang Courts also as silent as the grave. But no matter how they try to bury the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang in 1998 I will continue to disinter it. No response by them to my Australian Petitioner wife. Their disrespect runs in hand with their corruption. So, My Disrespectful Campaign continues.
Apparently, Xi Jinping is attempting to find Western Public Relations sources to mount a de-demonising campaign for the CCP. Another example of Jinping’s unreal expectations. For a public relations exercise to work there must be some positive influences that can be introduced. There are no positive influences and the reputation of CCP is so bad that no amount of “white wash” will improve it. A change of name from CCP or CPC to something else will not be helpful. CCP under any name will still be the same corrupt, barbaric, repressive, lawless, dysfunctional and paranoid regime as it is at this moment. This ridiculous campaign could only come from Xi Jinping’s deranged and fancy filled mind. He has lost all grip on reality. His Propagandist Team should have steered him away from such a futile exercise before it was made public. Perhaps they intended that Xi Jinping be seen as deranged? CCP preparing to shove him into a Mental Institution? Appears to be the case. I look forward to see the attempts made to cleanse the CCP repugnant reputation. More opportunity for me to mount criticism against Xi Jinping and CCP. I relish the thought of that.
The graphic – Certificate of Appreciation has been tweeted, is included in my blog – Disrespectful Campaign and the text of this email will also appear in my blog shortly. The certificate is not genuine though some of the content is truthful. For your information there have been no emails to me in support of CCP from any CCP official or supporter, Speaks volumes for the lack of support for CCP and Xi Jinping.
Chris Jones
Australia 23.4.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping Leading in Lunacy - South China Sea
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Of course you have not provided even a Lie Explanation for the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. I ask for it again. Now and also that Xi Jinping consider resigning.
The corrupt Shenyang Courts have made no contact with my Australian wife regarding the illegal courts case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998. Their disrespect requires the continuation of my disrespect. And it is continuing. My Disrespectful Campaign continues to grow.
The attached graphic – Xi Jinping Leading in Lunacy –South China Sea. Is a two pronged attack, One on the ludicrous ambitions of the demented Xi Jinping and his misguided belief that he could be Commander in Chief of China Military. He cannot command control over his base urges, his paranoia, his lust for Power and control, his megalomania , authoritarianism, philandering. He is a Legend, between his ears, but nowhere else. If CCP Military believes that he could successfully Command the Military in the event of a military conflict then they are as deluded as Xi Jinping is. They really should have him committed to a Mental Asylum for his good but, more importantly, for the good of China. He is what he is. No camouflage can hide it,
The second attack is on Xi Jinping’s strategy (I say that because he is the only person with the ability to make decisions for China. According to Xi Jinping) to insinuate CCP Military onto disputed islands in the South China Sea. The strategy, though cunning, is transparent. CCP installs military without any real act of aggression. Declares ownership. Then will use military force to “protect its territory”. Stealing by stealth, A CCP strategy known worldwide. CCP observance of International Law is of no concern to CCP. CCP is above the Law in China and, apparently, CCP considers it to be above International Law. Wrong, of course. CCP Propagandist make another embarrassing bungle. (After the bungled photo shoot of the Commander in Chief) by suggesting that floating nuclear power plants will provide electricity for its bases on the disputed islands. But CCP also state that that is not the case. Left hand does not know what right hand is doing. CCP Propagandist Team fails miserably in concocting its own propaganda. Should floating nuclear power plants ever become a reality CCP will create the potential for a nuclear disaster beyond imagination. It is a lunatic idea fermented in the mind of a lunatic – Xi Jinping. The greatest Lunatic the World has ever seen.
The graphic has been tweeted, is in the Disrespectful Campaign section of my blog and, of course, the text of this email will also be on my blog very soon.
Chris Jones
Australia.22.4.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping Deluded and Desperate
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
It is abundantly clear that the CCP Propagandist Team, under the guidance of Xi Jinping, are lacking the skills to tell a lie. Unbelievable. They are expert liars. Why no explanation of the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping? The Team can do it. I know they can. We all know they can lie. They have my utmost confidence in their skill to tell lies. Tell them I support them in this lie, if they were to give it. I would, of course, say it was a lie. But let us add one more lie to the mountain of CCP lies already circulated. One more won’t bust their Bank. So give a lie explanation.
Corrupt Shenyang Courts remain very quiet. Too timid to ask Xi Jinping for a direction in this case? No response by them to my Australian wife in regard to the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, in 1998. An ILLEGAL case still unresolved by Shenyang Courts. Foreigners beware of China. So my Disrespectful Campaign continues.
Xi Jinping has a new hat – Commander in Chief of Peoples’ Liberation Army. So many hats he wears on the one head. An amazing achievement if, in fact, he was successful in his many assumed roles. He isn’t though, His megalomania and delusion shines through like the sun on a Summer’s day. Sorry, an Australian summer’s day. The sun is often unavailable in Beijing, Hidden by the air pollution that CCP has yet to find a long term, sustainable solution for. CCP were indicating that HQ was to move to another city away from the pollution. Is that still on the Agenda? And what of the Panama Papers? No action taken against those implicated? So CCP is protecting its own upper echelon while citizens suffer CCP rubbery Law?. Such hypocrisy and lawlessness. Corruption will remain as long as the CCP remains in power. Xi Jinping is a dictator, megalomaniac, authoritarian and paranoid. Should a military conflict occur (South China Sea is getting rather hot) and Xi Jinping actually carry out his new found role surely, CCP and PLA, do not think he could command CCP Military? Who will take the role and Power from him? CCP and PLA who gave it to him? Poses a problem for both, I think.
Anyway, his grasp at Power is more of a mirage. Looks like but isn’t. He is inept as a Leader and Manager, Commander. Any role you give him can only provide poor and possibly unexpected negative outcomes. Give him a shove into a Mental Hospital and call him Napoleon.
The graphic has been tweeted and is in my blog. Text of this email will also be in the blog shortly.
Chris Jones