time clock

On 1st August 2011 the Sydney Chinese Consul General accepted my letter. Time passes, without response from China. A clear message to All of the Chinese lack of concern for an (ANY) Australian's Legal Rights. Consequently my campaign has escalated..
My other letter to Chinese Ambassador Canberra 13.9.2011 remains unanswered. Typical response.

Page 3 Text of Emails to CCP Ambassador- Canberra, Australia & CCP Consul General Sydney Australia

December 2016 was the latest attempt to send an email to CCP Diplomats in Australia. Time to continue attempts to communicate with China Communist Party who, historically, refuse to communicate.
A new page is written.

10/9/2017- Ambassador Cheng Jingye, Consul General Gu Xiaojie - Sydney (Since discovered, after email sent, CCP Consul General Sydney email is now redundant)

Dear Ambassador & Consul General.

The illegal Shenhe District Peoples Court, Shenyang, Liaoning Province Case created by corrupt Court Officials in 1998 remains unresolved. I have attached some correspondence regarding this Case.  I do not intend to recount our attempts to have this Case resolved but refer you to my Blog chineselegalrights.blogspot.com  http://chineselegalrights.blogspot.com/ . The measure of my frustration in attempting to deal with China Communist Party is clearly shown in pages - My Disrespectful Campaign & Texts of emails to China Diplomats in Australia. Additionally I have also campaigned against China Communist Party on Twitter. SCIO, China.org, Peoples DailyCn & Caixin have blocked me from their Twitter Accounts.

My campaign against China Communist Party is in support of my wife’s attempts to have her Case resolved. While the Case remains unresolved my campaign against China Communist Party must continue. My experience in China was a very enlightening one. Before I went to China I did not like the Chinese. Dislike born by ignorance & lack of contact with ordinary Chinese people. My attitude has changed. I found the ordinary Chinese people to be friendly, hardworking, helpful & very innovative. I have a great admiration for them and, if not for China Communist Party Government, could easily make China our second home. I am now a staunch enemy of China Communist Party, however. Their treatment of my wife could not result in me being anything else.

There have been a few CCP supporters respond to my Tweets. Not many & usually restricted to their use of  personal insults. I have replied in kind. I do accept the opinions of CCP supporters & have responded politely. I was born & raised in a Democracy & can understand why CCP supporters defend CCP. However, many Chinese who contact me voice their Love of China but not for CCP Government. I also have a love of China & respect & encourage their Love of Motherland. In some regards I may not be what ordinary Chinese consider to be the usual  stereotype Westerner.

The purpose of this email is to confirm my ongoing campaign against China Communist Party & the reason for it. We hope that we can return to China for a visit & not be concerned about our personal safety. That is not believed possible in the foreseeable future. Family & friends (including CCP friends) are intentionally kept unaware of our campaign against CCP for reason of their personal safety. We are safe in Australia.

The attached graphics are a small sample of those I have Tweeted. Text of this email will appear in my Blog shortly.

Chris Jones


 19.6.2017 Ambassador Chen Jingye & Consul General Gu Xiaojie

Dear Ambassador Chen Jingye & Consul General Gu Xiaojie,
Your predecessors blocked your email addresses. They possibly found my emails to be too confronting, blunt, rude, crude & vulgar. Since I never received any replies I am unable to determine their reasons.
You may be aware that I support the ordinary citizens of China and that I am opposed to China Communist Party and everything it stands for. I had 7 months experience in China during 2008 & 2010 assisting my wife, Australian Petitioner, in her attempts to resolve 1998 illegal Shenyang Court case created by corrupt officials. Without going through the history of the case since 1998 suffice is to say that China Communist Party has ignored the case. No compensation has, therefore, been provided to my wife. I consider her treatment at the hands of China Communist Party officials to be disrespectful & insensitive toward my wife. My Blog-  Chinese Legal Rights http://chineselegalrights.blogspot.com/ details some of our experiences and explains why I started my Disrespectful Campaign. My wife has my 100% support.
It has been over six month since I attempted email communication with China Diplomats in Australia. I have focussed my attacks on China Communist Party through Twitter (Chris Jones @himderfella). CCP has blocked Twitter in China so little of my 28,000 Tweets are read by ordinary China citizens. SCIO & China.org have blocked me from their Twitter accounts. Recently I added “The Whisperer” page to my blog. It serves to provide answers to questions CCP has not answered. I asked the questions, received no answers. So I considered I had the Right to also provide an answer. Answers written in the style of China Communist Party propaganda media mouthpieces. No-one has registered a complaint.
So much has happened in the World & in China since December 2016. I do not intend to go through that History. Ambassador Chen recently slammed Australian allegations of CCP spying in Australia. A silly response considering the considerable evidence to the contrary. Statements made by spokespersons for CCP Foreign Affairs were also seen for what they were. Rubbish. Video conversations, on which Australian Reports were based did not support CCP.
I was pleased that the Extradition Treaty between CCP & Australia was not ratified. It is most unlikely, regardless of what some Australian Politicians may say to CCP, that it will ever be ratified. Currently Confucius Institute is a target to be removed from Australia. Along with any persons who support it, China Communist Party & are not Australian citizens. Threats to Australian National Security? A work in progress, As CCP makes its unwanted presence in South China Sea felt responses to it can be expected. Australia stupidly signed Lease for the Port of Darwin. If CCP continues its aggressive stance in the region Australia should consider Null & Void of the Lease on the basis it poses a Threat To Australian National Security. CCP uses that excuse in China even against individuals who pose no threat.
Relationships between Australian Politicians, Businessmen & China Communist Party, SOE & China Businesses require close examination. Wanda & Landbridge Group are known to have CCP connections. Xi Jinping has relatives living in Australia. CCP Money Laundering is worldwide. CCP Propaganda Media Mouthpieces ignored my question – What future would CCP members have when CCP falls & citizens have access to CCP Investment etc records.
Global Times News works very hard on Twitter to provide trivial Tweets. They have taken on the role of the nearly redundant wumao. It is time consuming to deride them on Twitter but I do sacrifice some time to do that. CCP Propaganda Media mouthpieces do not respond to any Tweets. Some CCP supporters (or persons posing as CCP supporters) have responded unintelligently & avoided answering questions asked. I have blocked them.
I have attached graphics rather than written attacks made on China Communist Party. The text of this email will appear in my blog shortly. Since the graphics have been Tweeted, some countless times. I may not include them in My Disrespectful Campaign page. I have many more graphics.

Chris Jones
