A work in progress. Updated frequently
It is easiest to start at the latest and work back to the earliest in 2010. No attachments.
On 1st August 2011 our letter requesting assistance to resolve the illegal court case was handed to Sydney China Consulate Security with the help of Australian Federal Police. The letter was to be handed on to the Consul General. No response received. Combine that with our experiences in China and you may understand better why my emails are blunt, rude and disrespectful. None of my emails have had a response as at 2016.04.13. Disrespect runs in a two way street.
21.4.2016 email -Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping - I am secure. Ask them.
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
You have not provided an explanation regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his Resignation. I am asking for it again and for his resignation. The disrespect of the corrupt Shenyang Courts to my Australian wife continues. They have not contacted her regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court in 1998. My Disrespectful Campaign continues.
If I were a high ranking member of CCP I would have to ask that all incredibly unbelievable propaganda cease to be released. The International credibility of any statements made by CCP is so close to zero that it hardly matters. How CCP restores confidence in the citizens of China, and Internationally is a monumental task. In my opinion CCP reputation and credibility are beyond rehabilitation. Destroyed by Xi Jinping with the support of the CCP. Recent reports (other than those comical reports made by Xinhua News Net and other CCP mouthpieces) maintain that there is a growing groundswell against Xi Jinping.
How secure is Xi Jinping in his leadership role? Should we ask the ‘faceless’ “them”? I know you will not ask in fear of “serious consequences”. You should not ask about the popularity of your Leader and if it can be improved. You would “disappear”?
The Graphic “Xi Jinping I am secure.. ask them” has been tweeted and is on my blog. Text of this email will also be on my blog shortly.
Not one CCP official or CCP supporter has refuted any claims or comments I have made and continue to make. CCP so insecure? More likely, indefencible.
Chris Jones
19.4.2016 email -Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - SydneyXi Jinping unbelievably yours
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Still resolutely declining to give an official comment regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his resignation. You’d be champions at Tug ‘o War. But, I have equal resolve and am asking you for an explanation again. CCP Propagandists clearly inept and unequal to the simplest of tasks. They only have to tell a lie and they are expert at that. Seems that telling a lie is worse than telling the truth on this highly unusual occasion.
Corrupt Shenyang Courts, keen to hide the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998 have not contacted my Australian Petitioner wife in this matter. Their disrespect ensures my continuing Disrespectful Campaign. It is continuing.
An assault on the credibility of Xinhua News Net has been long overdue and has been remedied. Xi Jinping, who is Supreme Leader with total control over all things China, has also been found painting with faulty paint. Xinhua News makes a statement “About Us” on its web page. Readers of World News are immediately made aware of the inaccurate and misleading statements made by Xinhua News Net. CCP Propagandists seem always to miss the target. If they are attempting to convince China citizens, in China, that their reporting is “fair” they may have some success. But in the “real” World the propaganda is seen for what it is. Misrepresentations, falsehoods, deceitful, shallow and unreliable. Xi Jinping has his work cut out for him if he is to “beat Xinhua News Net into shape”. He will need to attend gymnasium for regular daily, intensive workouts if he is to be strong enough to complete that task, successfully. I doubt that his paunch will be waddled through the doors of the local gym. Oh, and Li has concerns for his safety. Yes. He had his special food delivered recently to avoid any “tampering”. He, too, fears assassination. Remarkable. You were aware?
My Graphic attached – Xi Jinping Unbelievably Yours has been tweeted and is in the Disrespectful Campaign section of my blog. The text of this email will also be entered in the blog shortly.
Chris Jones
18.4.2016 email -Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping- Film producer Extraordinaire - The Planet of the China Communist Party
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
You have not provided an explanation for the Open Letter requesting Xi Jinping’s Resignation. Xi Jinping must be too busy, reading the mountain of Press Releases he has to approve, to spare time for an explanation. I am asking for it again, now. The Propagandist Team needs a “hurry up”.
The corrupt Shenyang Courts remain incommunicado. They have not contacted my Australian wife in regard to the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998. Their disrespect continues to fuel my Disrespectful Campaign.
The attached graphic – The Planet of the China Communist Party” is all about a movie that has not been made. However, I am hoping that the scenes that I have described will horrify readers. Also, with the anniversary of Tiananmen Square massacre, nearly on the doorstep, it is timely to remind everyone of CCP attempts to hide their atrocity. The atrocities in Tibet and China will not be forgotten. In time, the disgusting actions by CCP will be buried in History. CCP will find its way to Hell and be remembered only as a bitter memory and blot on the history of China.
I note that Xi Jinping has cooled considerably since the Panama Papers leak. No-one to be punished? No corrupt monies were secreted away? Those implicated had several good years at the races? It was their legitimate Winnings? Surely the inept Propagandist Team can come up with something unbelievable? They usually do.
The graphic has been Tweeted and is in my blog. The text of this email is to be included in my blog shortly.
Chris Jones
16.4.2016 - 2nd email -Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping Propaganda Update
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
No explanation from either of you regarding the Open Letter requesting Xi Jinping to resign. I am asking for it again, now. And no contact by the corrupt Shenyang Courts with my Australian wife in regard to the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Court, Shenyang in 1998. Their continuing disrespect guarantees the continuation of my Disrespectful Campaign. Continuum ad nauseam as does my criticism of CCP Propagandist Team.
Xi Jinping have unleashed a quantum amount of Propaganda recently. I thought it would be fair to let fly with a version of my own. There is a section in it that may be of assistance to you in regard to the ineptitude of the Propagandist Team. Send the email onto them for their training purposes and as feedback on their performance. You could get a bonus from Xi Jinping as a reward. Perhaps, not. He may consider you to be unfriendly and you could suffer “severe consequences” instead. He is Paranoid so anything could happen,
The graphic – Xi Jinping Propaganda Update has been tweeted, is on my blog and the text of this email is also on my blog.
Chris Jones
16.4.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
The Roasting of Xi Jinping
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
It would appear that CCP Propagandists, even with the able assistance of Xi Jinping, are unable to string a few words together to form sentences in an explanation regarding the Open Letter requesting Xi Jinping to resign. You have not provided one and I ask for it again now.
The corrupt Shenyang Courts must have drowned in their corruption. Gone to Hell before CCP. They have not contacted my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Court, Shenyang in 1998. Such disrespect guarantees the continuation of my Disrespectful Campaign and, per the guarantee, it is continuing.
More Bad Press for CCP in World Headlines. A Lawyer detained for 22 hours for insulting Xi Jinping. If I were in China I would expect not to see daylight ever again. Sensitive Xi Jinping. Shows everyone how vulnerable and fragile his character is. Is he a m?? or a mouse? He is not a m?? as men see men. He is not a mouse, either. If we explore the insect World, however, he could be found under the belly of a cockroach. He is held in such deservedly low esteem. I could sit here all day doing this but I leave it to my attached Graphic to carry the message.
The graphic The Roasting of Xi Jinping has been tweeted, is on my blog and the text of this email is also on my blog. The corrupt Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, is my inspiration.
Chris Jones
15.4.2016 - 2nd email - Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Remember Tiananmen Square Massacre 4.6.1989
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
This email does not form part of my Disrespectful Campaign. But I confirm that the campaign is continuing. I have included it in my blog and the graphic is included in my Disrespectful Campaign as a show of my respect for the pro-Democracy Demonstrators in Tiananmen Square. It will remain there.
The purpose of this email is to remind China Communist Party of their barbaric action 4.6.1989 against pro-democracy demonstrators in Tiananmen Square. The Australian Prime Minister at that time, Bob Hawke, was reduced to tears as scenes of the atrocity were shown on Australian Television. The World viewed this crime against humanity with horror. The Free World will never forget it.
Any attempt by China Communist Party to hide their barbaric act will forever be a failure.
I am an enemy of China Communist Party and support ordinary China citizens. You should be well aware of that by now (even if your knees do not tremble out of fear). I have no fear of CCP either. But I am filled with disgust of CCP.
Chris Jones
15.4.2016 - Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping "I'm coming to get you"
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
You have not provided an explanation for the Open Letter requesting the resignation of Xi Jinping. After so many requests, without a response, it is confirmation that CCP Propagandists, using all their talents and assisted by Xi Jinping, are a complete failure. I am asking for an explanation again, now.
The famous corrupt Shenyang Courts still have not contacted my Australian wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998. Their continuing disrespect encourages my continuing Disrespectful Campaign. And it is continuing.
CCP and Xi Jinping grab more World Headlines. Xinhua News pumps out propaganda at an ever increasing rate. CCP, not restricted to Hong Kong in its abduction and persecution of critics, dissidents of CCP has now gone further afield into non-CCP territory. Kenya. Taiwanese citizens (deemed to be mainland citizens according to CCP) have been forcibly removed from Kenya and sent to China for trial. How far is CCP prepared to stretch its stained tentacles to “get” people of interest? CCP concentrates on minor criminal charges (If they are genuine charges. Not trumped up CCP charges.) against Taiwanese. But CCP says nothing about charges being laid against CCP officials linked in the Panama Papers. Why not? Compare the scale of the rewards reaped illegally. CCP officials are at the top of the heap but at the bottom of the Punishment List (If they are listed at all). No. CCP cannot escape from the scandal and lack of punishment. Parade the CCP individuals publically so that everyone can see them. Just as CCP does with other persons going to trial. Tell the World what action CCP is taking against its corrupt members/families.
The enclosed graphic - “Xi Jinping “I am coming to get you” has been tweeted, is included in Disrespectful Campaign on my blog. And the text of this email is also on my blog. I want people to see how CCP operates and the underhand measures they will take to achieve their objectives.
The 4.6.1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre is soon to have another anniversary. Hong Kong museum has been shut down on pretext of safety concerns. Everyone knows it is CCP attempt to destroy a memorial to that horrendous event. CCP slaughter of China citizens. CCP genocide of Tibetans will not be forgotten either.
Chris Jones
14.4.2016 2nd email - Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping Living Legend and Best Leader Ever - for how much longer?
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
You have not provided an explanation regarding the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. I am asking for it again, now. Is CCP Propagandists equal to the task of drafting a response? I am beginning to doubt their expertise and whether they are qualified for the task. Xi Jinping can sort it out.
The corrupt courts of Shenyang have not contacted my Australian wife (I show her Nationality so there is no misunderstanding. She is a foreigner, not Chinese) in regard to the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998. Such disrespect ensures the continuation of my Disrespectful Campaign.
What is Xi Jinping up to these days? Still globe-trotting? Now CCP is kidnapping Taiwanese from Kenya. Abductions from Hong Kong were a mere exercise, it seems. Will CCP kidnap Australian Nationals (Dissidents) from Australia claiming they have broken China Law and take them to China? You have not replied to that question I posed in an earlier email. A simple Yes or No will do, for starters.
How is the CCP handling the fallout from the Panama Papers? Apart from hiding news of it from citizens. Haven’t seen any reports of heads rolling out through the doors of the Great Hall of the People. CCP has never been good at hiding their corruption. Why try to hide it now and how they intend to deal with it?
After decades of development CCP is now , belatedly, conducting a survey and creating a Management Plan to look after children left behind by the “migrant” workers. How slow can CCP go? A sloth moves faster. And now CCP is stepping up analysis of food to ensure they are safe for human consumption. Far too little and too late. Xi Jinping would do better to hire college graduates to become Food Testers instead of propagandists. At least the citizens would, hopefully, gain a tangible benefit. They do not need to choke on CCP propaganda. But Xi Jinping does.
And now to my latest graphic – Xi Jinping Living Legend and Best Leader Ever. Reeks of sarcasm. It has been tweeted, is included in my blog’s Disrespectful Campaign and the text of this email is also entered in my blog.
Chris Jones
14.4.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
The Art of Diplomacy with China Communist Party
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Your continuing reluctance to provide an explanation for the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of CCP is interpreted as unfailing loyalty to your Beijing masters. However, I am asking for an explanation again. And, quite expectedly, the corrupt Shenyang Courts have not contacted my Australian wife regarding the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang in 1998. So, in my unfailing support for her, I must continue my Disrespectful Campaign. And I am.
Australian Prime Minister is in China presently. He will be questioned on his return (if not before) on issues he intended to raise with CCP. Unfortunately, he had no opportunity to consider my opinion on the Art of Diplomacy with CCP. Though, I doubt that my opinion will carry sway with our Prime Minister. Democracy and the freedom that comes with it is very precious. I am able to express an opinion on any subject without fear of arrest unlike in China. I believe if someone believes in something strongly enough they should share that belief with others and have the Right to do it. And I have expressed my opinion on the tactics employed by CCP and how they should be countered by the Free World (Democracy). I am not a Diplomat which probably, some would consider, is a fortunate circumstance. I would be more forthright and unyielding to CCP than most others, I suspect.
The graphic – The Art of Diplomacy has been tweeted and is on my blog. The text of this email is also on my blog.
The World can form their own opinion of CCP.
And I have yet to have a response from CCP or its supporters. Xi Jinping has not penned a response yet? Or has re resigned? Will his successor respond?
Chris Jones
13.4.2016 2nd Email - Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Tibetan Genocide by China Communist Party - hot topic
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
No response from you regarding the Open Letter requesting the resignation of Xi Jinping. I am asking for it again, now. Also the corrupt Shenyang Courts have not contacted my Australian wife in regard to the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang in 1998. Courts have no respect for Law or for my wife so my Disrespectful Campaign continues.
CCP created World headlines critical of the thuggery carried out by CCP thugs and stooges in Prague. Thuggery in USA. It is timely to re-introduce the subject of Tibet into the collective but oddly singular CCP (Xi Jinping) mind. Xi Jinping does all the thinking for CCP these days, or so he implies. If he can defer his philandering for an hour or so (he is driven by his uncontrolled animal urges) he could rethink the CCP strategy on Tibet. A withdrawal from Tibet would earn World acclaim. The continuing CCP atrocities in Tibet only earn condemnation. But Xi Jinping, The Living Legend and Best Leader Ever, has no concern for World opinion. He is a demigod. In his own mind but not in reality. Reality? Is Xi Jinping taking his medication. His rampant, chronic paranoia seems to rise to the surface so evidently these days. How does the CCP keep him away from the world spotlight? Lock him up in his office with all those mirrors? Xi Jinping saunters about under the delusion that he is respected, admired and loved. How far away (from reality) is he waddling these days? He could lose some weight. The paunch is not attractive and the waddle is laughable. Has CCP requested him to resign? Any ramifications for CCP following the Panama Papers scandal? We know of the CCP connections but have heard nothing about punishments, punitive measures taken etc. Are there any?? Good question, eh? Has the CCP any plans to kidnap Australians from Australia and whisk them away to China? If Yes, I need to alert our Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and our Rottweiler.
The graphic has been tweeted, is on my blog and the text of this email is also on my blog.
Chris Jones
13.4.2016 - Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping His character Assassination
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
You have not provided and explanation for the Open Letter requesting the resignation of Xi Jinping. I am asking for it again now. It would appear that Xi Jinping Propaganda Unit is lost for words? He should go to them and give an inspiring speech. That will work. He could even write their reply for them. He is, after all, Supreme Leader and Manager of all China Affairs.
Of course, the corrupt Courts of Shenyang remain silent. No contact by them in my wife’s Inbox. So difficult to resolve an illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District People’s Court, Shenyang, in 1998? Yes, 1998. So very long ago. This is Law in China. Foreigners beware. See how my Australian wife is treated. The Courts’ continuing disrespect of my wife ensures the continuation of my Disrespectful Campaign. Tit for Tat, eye for an eye, Payback etc.
Xi Jinping’s character has had close scrutiny (mine) and a very fair assessment has been made (also mine). The China Communist Party is, apparently, happy for this calibre of person (I would not describe him as a man and rate him so highly) to Lead them and China! So the reputation of CCP and the linked reputation of China are both tarnished, damaged and in disrepair. Can I ask Xi Jinping to resign? “Xi Jinping for the good of China please resign before you ruin China.” There, I can do it. I just did.
I know the CCP are aware, but I will make it crystal clear. The China Communist Party is corrupt from bottom to top and at its very core. So dispense with the farcical Anti-corruption campaign. The only way to rid corruption within the CCP is to dissolve the CCP. They will never do that, voluntarily. So cease the stupidity of calling it an “Ant-corruption Campaign” and call it for what it is “Propaganda Exercise providing Bandaid Solution Ridding CCP of some Corrupt Officials to appease Citizens”. The Title is a bit long winded but more accurate than Xi Jinping’s (LL&BLE) label. Your Propagandists can work on it, shorten it but should retain the meaning. I’ll wait and see what they can come up with. I assume Xi Jinping is continuing with his medication. His actions have been more erratic than usual of late.
The attached Graphic – “The Character Assassination of Xi Jinping” has been Tweeted and is on my blog. And the text of this email has also been entered in my blog. So many, many emails all without a response. So many more earlier emails yet to be added to the blog. Foreigners can now clearly see how difficult it is to communicate with CCP Officials.
Chris Jones
12.4.2016 - Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping hires more to churn out increased propaganda
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Still no explanation for the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. I am asking for it yet again. I could give you an explanation. Quite easily, but I see no reason to provide you with propaganda. Xi Jinping has an army of Propaganda Producers who could provide a response for you.
And, as expected, corrupt Shenyang Courts have not contacted my wife regarding the illegal court case created by the corrupt Shenhe District Peoples’ Court in 1998. Such disrespect. Such longevity. Consequently my Disrespectful Campaign must continue.
Possibly coincidentally, but probably due to need, Xi Jinping is increasing his Propaganda Production Team – Internet by anything up to a million persons? Not a million? Please advise me the correct number.
Propaganda- information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
No amount of propaganda will assist the endeavours of the CCP beyond the areas under its control. Even less than it would hope for in those areas. The credibility of CCP is in tatters. Xi Jinping (LL&BLE) is not a statesman deserving of respect. Anything but. Yet the CCP maintain him as Leader and President of China. Amazing that CCP accepts such a person of low esteem. It can only be construed that CCP also has equally low esteem and can laud and admire such an unfit person. CCP face is nearly faceless. CCP continue to block websites linking CCP to Panama Papers. A foolish action that has already failed. Laughable.
Has CCP conducted any research regarding the radioactivity released from its coal powered electric generators? If they have they have kept the results a well kept secret, particularly from citizens. If no research has been made then CCP has failed its citizens yet again. USA has readily accessible information on the Internet. No secrets.
The attached graphic – Inside Xi Propaganda Factory has been Tweeted and is on my blog. The text of this email is also on my blog.
I have used the approximate date that Jiang Zemin commenced persecution of Falun Gong in 1999 and the 4.6.1989 Tiananmen Massacre in the graphic. No doubt paranoid Xi will insist on heightened security as 4.6.1989 anniversary nears.
Chris Jones
10.4.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
The Myth of Xi Jinping
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Still no explanation from you regarding the Open Letter requesting the resignation of Xi Jinping. I am asking for it again, now. The reluctance of the Shenyang Corrupt Courts to contact my wife (her email address is the one shown on my Blog) regarding the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court in 1998 is a show of their disrespect for her. Consequently, my Disrespectful Campaign continues.
CCP and Xi Jinping have “closed down” the Internet to stop citizens viewing Panama Papers or other references to implicated CCP members. That only works in China, and even then not 100.0% effectively. A denial is probably more damning than an honest rebuttal? But it is not the CCP way to admit an error. Just look at the aftermath of the One Child Policy. All the CCP idiot members thought it was a good idea, at the time. Now China has to pay for their stupid Policy. Cannot argue that can you? You may prefer I omit “idiot” and “stupid”. I will not but you can.
The World is abuzz with the implied corruption of many prominent personages, not just those connected with China. Some Leaders have already fallen. How will China Communist Party deal with this public, International exposure of CCP corruption? Will Xi Jinping have them tried for corruption? How did they amass their fortunes? Where did the money come from? What will their penalty be? If he does not “punish” them what will he do? How will citizens view and judge his actions? So many more questions and, as I suspect, there will be no honest answers forthcoming.
To celebrate the acute embarrassment caused by Xi Jinping to the China Communist Party and China citizens I have created the attached graphic. It is my view of Xi Jinping’s performance as Leader and you know how biased and bigoted I am. Not a good Report Card. It has been Tweeted and is on my blog
I am considering creating another
Blog page to include the text of my emails to you. So people can see what has
been said and what responses have (not) been received. It has great appeal.
Keep reading the blog.
Chris Jones
09.04.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Chris Jones shamed to make admissions of Bigotry and biasDear Ambassador and Consul General,
You are very tight lipped. I have described you as “Water tight” on Twitter. No explanation regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his Resignation. I am asking for it again, now, in continuing monotonous regularity. The corrupt courts of Shenyang have made no contact with my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998. Such disrespect demands the continuation of my Disrespectful Campaign.
The “Hat” Papers still draw world attention to corrupt CCP Officials. The attempt made by CCP to prevent citizens gaining access to information concerning the corruption has received growing criticism. Remarkably it is the CCP that finds so many innovative and imaginative ways to “shoot itself in the foot”. CCP officials are corrupt. No doubt. Western media did not force the corruption on them. CCP Officials accept corruption as a means to improve their wealth and future life, after CCP. A perk of the job, we would say. I did Tweet your website so that CCP responses to the Papers could be read. But there are no responses or statements. Xi Jinping busied himself planting trees and mentoring young people. How many in CCP would now like to “plant” this embarrassment of a Leader? The World is watching to see how CCP rids itself of those implicated without destroying itself in the process. The citizens are also watching. To say that I am happy to find CCP in such a dilemma (particularly, one of their own making) is a massive understatement. I am jubilant to the extreme!
The graphic has been Tweeted and is on my blog.
In passing, very, very few (1 in fact) CCP supporters have contacted me but did not refute any claims I have made on Twitter or in my blog. My invitation to CCP supporters to make a public comment, with my promise that it would not be Edited, has been ignored. A win for me.
Chris Jones
08.04.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping - If hat fits wear it
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
I have Tweeted your reluctance to provide an explanation regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his resignation. Must keep this issue alive outside China. The corrupt Shenyang Courts still have not responded to my wife regarding the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court in 1998. Such disrespect warrants continuation of my Disrespectful Campaign.
China Internet is bleeding everywhere. Mortally wounded by the Panama Papers scandal and the exposure of CCP officials. Xi Jinping and family corrupt? Whoever would have thought that?. It will be interesting to see how the aftermath unfolds. The great “crusader” against corruption has been found out. He has been wallowing in corruption! Will he resign? Will he be ousted? Will corrupt CCP rally around corrupt Leader and “forgive and forget”? Such a dilemma for CCP. Citizens are watching. The World is watching. I am really relishing this reversal of fortunes for Xi Jinping and CCP. They, typically, pooed in own nest and now rotten eggs have hatched. It was always going to happen. There are other rotten eggs yet to be found. This is the biggest issue facing CCP in decades. The Living Legend and Best Leader Ever has been caught in his own net and also a foreign net!! Inescapable!!
Graphics are hats. My hat is a poo bucket I saluted China Consulate with. Symbolic: You s**t on me I s**t on you. Very fair and equally disrespectful. You can have a guess at the other one. (See attachment ID)
Chris Jones
05.04.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping - Still Living Legend and Best Leader Ever. Panama Papers scandal?
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Still no explanation from either of you regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his resignation. I’ll keep on asking and you can keep on ignoring. That’s fair. And I’ll keep Tweeting my Blog page to keep it alive.
What a shame. The corrupt Shenyang Courts have not contacted my wife in regard to the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court in 1998. Shame on China Law Courts. Their continuing disrespect of my wife requires the continuation of my Disrespectful Campaign.
The Internet is in turmoil over the “Panama Papers” and the numbers of CCP Officials and or families that have been implicated in the scandal. Fancy CCP members sending ill gotten gains overseas into anonymous accounts/investments. Not the wonderful, upstanding, law abiding, honest members of the CCP? They would not do such a thing. All lies dreamt up by foreign press to malign the China Communist Party. Lies! Lies! Lies. But there is no lie. CCP has blocked Internet citizen access to websites that may show such “sensitive” information.
Xi Jinping’s popularity, or lack of, is sinking ever lower. I have created a graphic of a badge you might suggest he have made. All CCP members could wear it with pride to show their solidarity with the Supreme Leader. If they do not there would be “serious consequences”? Paranoid Xi could flush out his CCP opponents more easily? Is Xi Jinping considering resigning? No soft landing for him if he doesn’t.
Graphic has been Tweeted and is on my blog
Chris Jones
AUSTRALIA04.04.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
As expected no explanation for the Open Letter requesting Xi Jinping to Resign. You have asked the Beijing Masters for one? Perhaps it has fallen on deaf ears? Unseen by blind eyes? You should ask again, as I am doing now.
And, predictably, no contact by the corrupt Shenyang Courts to my wife, in regard to the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples Court, Shenyang in 1998. Predictably my Disrespectful Campaign continues. Their lack of respect deserves my disrespect and mine is shown publically. Is Mr Wang still at Shenhe District Peoples Court? He was popping so many yellow pills in 2010. He must have been in poor health. He did not appear to be a happy man.
How many man hours have been spent so far in Xi Jinping’s endeavours to find the author of the Open Letter Requesting his resignation. At what financial cost? At what loss of face, Internationally, that so much time and money be spent on such a trifling thing – a letter? Xi Jinping, poor paranoid person, is so insecure that the criticism of a small group of people require the massive investment to find and punish them. He is indeed a demented person. He Leads China and CCP?. To ruination, yes.
I liked my Rumour Monger. I look forward to raising new rumours into the future. But to highlight the dysfunctional mind of Xi Jinping I have created this graphic “The Ghost Writer”. Xi Jinping may as well be searching for a ghost who wrote the Open Letter requesting his Resignation. Xi Jinping keeps fanning the blaze on this issue instead of letting it die. No-one can protect an idiot from itself. Who can protect Xi Jinping from himself? CCP? Or will CCP ask him to resign? They surely should on the grounds of his ill health.
Graphic has been Tweeted and is on my Blog.
Chris Jones
Australia04.04.2016 - 2nd email - Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
You have not yet provided an explanation regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his resignation. So I am asking for it again. The day will come when an explanation will not be asked for. The day Xi Jinping no longer leads China.
And, of course, the corrupt Courts of Shenyang have not responded to my wife in regard to the resolution of the illegal 1998 Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples Court, Shenyang, Liaoning. Their carpet is not big enough that they can sweep this case under it. So My Disrespectful Campaign continues.
I added a new page to my Blog to accommodate an Academic argument regarding an Open Letter to Xi Jinping. I have not endorsed the content of that page and I have included it for information purposes. A much more balanced approach to debates than CCP would ever undertake.
With so many questions left unanswered rumours are bound to spread. I have created “Rumour Monger” to deal with current and future rumours. The attached graphic has been Tweeted and is on my blog. I hope that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will tackle Xi Jinping on many issues currently held in the World spotlight. He will probably be very diplomatic. I hope that Xi Jinping can focus on matters in hand and not be distracted by rumours.
Chris Jones
Australia01/04/2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Your reluctance to provide an explanation for the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping may yet qualify for a mention in The Guinness Book of Records. But I ask for it again, now.
The corrupt Courts of Shenyang have not contacted my wife in regard to the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Court, Shenyang in 1998. Soon be 20 years old. So easy to make an illegal case but not so easy to correct it. This confirms the lack of Law in China, if anyone needed convincing of that. The Courts’ continuing disrespect of my wife requires continuation of My Disrespectful Campaign.
A 2nd request for the Resignation of Xi Jinping has come my way dated 2016.03.28. This time I retained the China version and provided an English translation. An unfortunate oversight of mine for the 1st letter. I have attached it (Word document) and inserted the text below. No graphic this time.
I have Tweeted my relative blog page. How many more similar requests will come? I do not know. I could pen one of my own but CCP would never publish it, anywhere.
Chris Jones
2016/03/28 - 2ND OPEN
(Received by me 2016.04.01-
circulated days previously) English
Translation below- per Windows Translator
本党注意到,在三月初的中国人大和政协“两会”召 开之际,中共新疆省委宣传部辖下一网站,公开发表了一封署名忠诚共产党员要求你辞职的公开信。此公开信的发表,已经在海内外引起很大反响。根据中共党章规
习 近平先生,在你上台之初,我们曾经希望你效法戈尔巴乔夫和蒋经国,主动开启政治体制改革,引领中国以最小的代价,实现宪政民主,使中国早日跟上世界文明发
展的潮流,成为一个在政治、经济、文化等各个方面领先世界的现代化强国。但三年多来,你却反其道而行之,使得中国距和平民主转型更远了、政治更危险了、社 会更乱了、国际关系更差了、社会危机和经济危机都更深了......
你 虽然大力反腐,但却依靠各级纪检委员会非法办案,以人代法,且严禁舆论监督和民间反腐。使反腐变为你们排除异己,党争权斗的工具。你坚持人大代表“内定”
假选举,拒绝推动人大真实选举。而你加强专制的做法,反是在增强腐败的根子,你严禁媒体监督,实际上是在加强贪官的保护伞,掩护贪官不被揭露;这种“反 腐”的后续效应,必然是腐败更加猖獗。老百姓深受其害的“强拆”、“强征”、“截访”等暴政案例层出不穷,越演越烈,就证明你们的“反腐”只不过是你们攫
面 对中国日益紧迫的经济危机,你对治理危机束手无策,反而压制李克强正确的市场化调整,开历史倒车罔顾市场规律,以行政手段粗暴干预经济和股市,造成了混
乱,加重了危机,加深了老百姓的痛苦;你好大喜功,仿效当年毛泽东在国际上充大头,打肿脸充胖子,大搞“一路一带”,把天文数字的资金投入到战乱国家,重 创中国的外汇储备,加深了中国的经济危机;你在国际上盲目自大,对海上周边国家四面出击,导致中国国际环境恶化,与美国的关系大幅恶化。
你 扶持梁振英,以极为霸道蛮横的作风镇压香港的“占中”运动,导致“港独”前所未有的高涨,并间接导致民进党在台湾的上台,极大地破坏了中华民族的凝聚力;
你以红卫兵式的粗暴手法打压香港的新闻出版自由,甚至越境绑架香港藉和外籍的出版人,严重破坏了“一国两制”和国际惯例,造成极为恶劣的国际影响,并令世 界各国不安。
综 上所述,你三年多来的施政,证明了你不适合担任中国最高领导人职务,你没有能力化解困境,引领中国走向新生。由你继续领导下去,不是中国国家、社会和民
中国社会民主党文宣部长 曾节明 起草
中国社会民主党中央常务委员会 通过
中国社会民主党中央委员会 主席 吕易 签发
2016/03/28 - 2ND OPEN
(Received by me 2016.04.01-
circulated days previously)
Democratic Party of China
An open letter urging he resigned
Jinping, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party:
The Party noted that Daiwa in early March the Chinese Committee of
the CPPCC " The two sessions " The occasion under the propaganda
Department of the Chinese Communist Party in Xinjiang Province site, published
an open letter signed loyal party members called for your resignation. This
open letter was published, has reverberated both at home and abroad. According
to the party Constitution stipulates that any of the ordinary party members,
has the right to organizations and leaders reflect problems, criticisms and
express their demands. Relevant organizations and individuals, within the
prescribed period, formal response.
However, published an open letter has been more than 20 days, the
Communist Party of China and XI you personally rather than positive responses,
instead of on site can be shut down by the police in Xinjiang, the persons
concerned are detained arrested illegal hold them criminally.
The Party thinks that this open letter asked XI to resign, not
only represents the voices of many Communist Party members, and reflects the
wishes and requirements of most Chinese. In this regard, the support given by
this party, and once again urged he resign as soon as possible!
Mr XI, at the beginning of you on stage, we want you to follow the
example of Gorbachev and the Chiang Ching-kuo, take the initiative to open
political system, led the Chinese with a minimum of expense, constitutional
democracy, China early on with the trend of development of world civilization,
became a political, economic and cultural aspects of the world's leading modern
country. But for three years, you do the opposite, making China more far from
the peaceful transition to democracy, politics is more dangerous, more mess
worse, international relations, social and economic crises are deeper......
In Chinese society needs "universal values"
enlightenment, when you took office at the beginning, against "universal
values", calling for "seven does not speak", advocate ideologies
"sword", which was reversed in the ideology.
You make draconian laws, strengthen the criminalization, are not
allowed to "jump on the Central", arrested dissidents, human rights
lawyers, public intellectuals, religious people. Hu Jintao during the freedom
of the press than during Jiang Zemin's backslide, you control the media than Hu
Jintao even worse; you have power for only three years, arresting dissidents
than Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao sum;
In China under the pressure of the crisis of aging, you abolished
the start of Deng Xiaoping's "one-child" tyranny, but still in
violation of the Constitution's "family planning" system, still
insist on "family planning", continues to violate the reproductive
rights of Chinese citizens, the China Youth development gaps, ageing population
more and more pressure.
You strongly against corruption, but it relies on discipline
inspection committees at all levels of illegal handling, human law and
supervision by public opinion and civil society anti-corruption is strictly
prohibited. Making anti-corruption you exclusion, the party struggle for power
tools. You insist on deputies to "internal" fake election, refused to
promote the national people's Congress election. You strengthen the
authoritarian practices and is enhanced in the roots of corruption, you forbid
media surveillance, is in fact strengthening the corrupt umbrella, shield
corrupt officials uncovered; this "anti-corruption" effect, must be
more rampant corruption. People are hurting, "eviction",
"recruitment", "interceptors" case of tyranny after
another, more and more fierce, to prove your "anti-corruption" is
just a means to grab power and benefit of you.
Face China
increasingly urgent of economic crisis, you on governance crisis stranded,
instead suppressed Li keqiang right of market adjustment, open history
reversing without Gu market law, to administrative means gross intervention
economic and stock, caused has chaos, aggravated has crisis, deepened has
people of pain; you greatness, follow when Mao Zedong in international Shang
filling head, no cattle, big make "way area", put astronomical of
funds input to war national, hit China of reserves, deepened has China of
economic crisis You blind arrogance in the international, the sea around the
country on all fronts, resulting in deterioration of the international
environment, China, with the United States deteriorated sharply.
You support LEUNG Chun-ying,, to is hegemony outrageous of style
repression Hong Kong of "accounted for in the" movement, led to
"Hong Kong alone" unprecedented of high, and indirect led to DPP in
Taiwan of came to power, great to damage has Chinese of cohesion; you to red
guards type of gross technique suppressed Hong Kong of news published free,
even transboundary kidnapping Hong Kong by and foreign of published people,
serious damage has "one country, two systems" and international
practice, caused is bad of international effect, and makes world States
Recently, and no record of you follow Mao Zedong,
personality cult, while cleaning his political opponents through modified range
Rover in the name of the military and media to name the party catch really, not
just reinstating, will be China's political orientation confusion, danger,
dangerous, so that States and peoples face accident risks.
To sum up, you mentioned three years, proves that you are not
suitable for China's top leadership positions, you are not able to resolve the
dilemma, leading China to the freshmen. By your continued leadership, not
national, social and ethnic groups in China, and even your personal blessing,
instead of national, social, ethnic and personal disaster! In order to avoid
the whole of China beyond redemption, we advise that you consider the
situation, repent, resigned as soon as you post as military 20 more of the duties of the Supreme Leader, volume youdanyoushi,
dare to reform politician and political wisdom. Advise you not to a
Grasshopper's arm against a, presumptuous, block the wheels of constitutional
democracy, ended up being the sad fate of the showed sky-high!
Best regards Central Committee Member
Social Democratic Party propaganda Minister Zeng Jieming, China
China Social Democratic Party Central Standing Committee passed
Chairman of the Social Democratic Party of China Central Committee
issued Lv Yi
On March 28, 2016
30.03.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
No explanation from either of you regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping asking for his resignation. I’m asking for it again, and will again, and again. Fortunately, I live in Australia and no matter how much time CCP delays a response I do not have Visa issues. I do not have to leave the Country. Unlike the ridiculous delaying tactics in 2010 of the corrupt Shenyang Courts to avoid resolving the illegal 1998 Court case created by the corrupt Shenhe District Peoples Court. Also I can continue to Tweet my relative Blog page to ensure that the Resignation issue remains active. My Disrespectful Campaign continues.
Much gossip about a second Resignation Request letter at this moment. Xi Jinping (LL&BLE) blood pressure on the rise, unemployment on the rise, social unrest on the rise, repression on the rise. China economy on the decline, Xi Jinping (LL&BLE) popularity is in freefall and he is in self denial. CCP is attracting the worst kind of World attention. All bad. But that is the CCP. Do bad things and expect good returns. Something quite wrong in the CCP Brains Trust.
On a more positive note. I have a sincere hope for China. The outcome would not please CCP members, however. A Government working for ALL Chinese citizens to the betterment of China and its citizens. Well, CCP cannot produce let alone grasp the concept of that. All citizens working in co-operation with the Government to improve the future of China and its citizens. No repression, no coercion. China citizens willingly and actively engaged in forging a new free future. So different to CCP’s China. CCP has no capacity or willingness to achieve this. Apparently there are many China citizens living abroad willing to return and assist the citizens in creating a new Government. I support the ordinary citizens of China and I am the enemy of CCP. No secret.
I think my hope for China paints a much better future for China than that “promised” or offered by CCP. CCP is doing a very good job of committing suicide and I urge them to continue their efforts.
Chris Jones
30.3.2016- 2nd email Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Still no explanation forthcoming for the Open Letter requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping? It appears that there are limitations to CCP capacity in making excuses, after all. I’m asking again.
Corrupt Shenyang Courts have made no contact with my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples Court, Shenyang in 1998. Their disrespect ensures my continuing Disrespectful Campaign.
Top marks to the protestors in Prague who support Tibet. No matter how many shields go up to protect Xi Jinping (LL&BLE) from seeing them he KNOWS they are there. But he is a very sensitive person (would not describe him as a man. He isn’t one.) and cannot tolerate any dissent, criticism, detractors against himself and CCP. Well, on the World stage, he and CCP have lost the Public Relations exercise. Pro-CCP supporters have wrecked that so magnificently. Will CCP realise that the thuggery in China, they can hide, cannot and is not hidden in the outside World? CCP is totally dysfunctional and warped in it thoughts and actions. Popular opinion is that Xi Jinping (LL&BLE) together with CCP are headed for a very hard landing. It must be hard for you to view what is happening and applaud it? Or perhaps you are totally mesmerised by Xi Jinping, Living Legend and Best Leader Ever? Thankful that he is not in Australia at the moment. So you are not required to fix that smile on your face? No need to answer that.
Another graphic. Has been Tweeted today.
Chris Jones
29.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
I congratulate you on your steadfast resolve NOT to provide an explanation for the Open Letter requesting the resignation of Xi Jinping (LL&BLE). However, I ask again and have Tweeted my relative blog page. The longer you take the longer the issue remains alive. And CCP is doing a fantastic job fanning the flames of interest by their actions against families, anyone remotely connected (?) with the letter. Great stuff. Still making headlines around the World. CCP is doing a much better job of keeping the issue alive than I can. Xi Jinping (LL&BLE) should be careful not to overdose on his medication. Could cause a rumour about a coup or assassination attempt.
Another Constant? Corrupt Shenyang Courts continue to ignore my wife and the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court in 1998. Her Inbin is empty. Very, very disrespectful. So, of course, I maintain my Disrespectful Campaign.
Prague. CCP stooges attacked peaceful Tibetan supporters. Again CCP is seen as a brutal thug which is exactly what it is. Tibetans 1, CCP 0. Is Xi behind this stupidity? He must be, since he controls everything in China. I have about 100 large China flags which I intended to burn in protest against CCP. In hindsight, I should’ve bought CCP flags. Burning is a problem in Australia. We have to consider danger to passing public in high pedestrian areas and open fires are often banned due to bushfire danger. But to paint a message on a flag? Brilliant!! No problems!! As you may be aware I always hang China flag upside down as a symbol of emptying China of CCP. I have no intention of insulting ordinary Chinese citizens.
This is an old graphic of mine Tweeted today ; “It is
time to reflect on the track record of CCP and Xi Jinping. Judge and Jury have
decided. Sentence pending”. I like it.
Chris Jones
28.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
As expected the corrupt Shenyang Courts have not contacted my wife regarding the illegal court case created by corrupt Shenhe District Peoples Court way back in 1998! Incredible that correction to an illegal judgement can be so protracted. But, no. We are referring to the China Law overseen by the corrupt NPC. So result is as expected. Their continuing disrespect for my wife ensures my continuing Disrespectful Campaign. I should cut and paste this into a file to save typing it, over and over.
More negative news coming out of China regarding Xi Jinping (LL&BLE). He is tottering toward self destruction but, unfortunately, will drag China Economy down with him.
Attached graphic has been tweeted and is on my blog. I have changed my Twitter profile to better reflect my opposition to CCP and Xi Jinping.
Chris Jones
27.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
I admire your strength of character and steadfast resistance. Still no explanation sought from you regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his resignation. I Tweeted that if he were a man (doubtful) he would resign and make China and the World a better place. Perhaps the CCP will topple him, instead. He should keep taking the medication. Is it working? He seems to be growing more paranoid and irrational as each day passes. Society unrest etc. More repression. Creates more unrest. Solution. even more suppression. Makes sense?? Not really. Just a never ending cycle of stupidity.
And, of course, the corrupt Shenyang Courts have made no contact with my wife. No resolution of the 1998 illegal courts case created by corrupt Shenhe District Peoples court. Inevitably my Disrespectful Campaign must continue. You should perhaps warn Xi Jinping (LL&BLE) that there is another danger in flying his airborne Pleasure Pit, should he purchase one. In the event of a very powerful wind, he could be blown away. But, would that be a loss or a gain for China? Gain I think.
Graphic has been Tweeted and is on my blog.
Chris Jones
26.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Easter Saturday. Part of a Christian celebration of Faith that atheist CCP would not observe. However, regardless of that, you can enjoy the Easter Public Holidays.
No response yet from you to my request for an explanation regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his resignation. I have Twittered my relative blog page to ensure the issue remains alive. Corrupt Shenyang Courts remain silent and have not made any contact with my wife regarding the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court in 1998. Their continuing disrespect for my wife requires the continuation of my Disrespectful Campaign.
The graphic has been Tweeted and is on my blog.
Chris Jones
25.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General.
Still no explanation from you regarding the Open Letter Requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. Extremely tardy. Send a quick note off to Xi Jinping and I’m sure he will provide you with a response. Make sure you refer to him as “Living Legend and Best Leader Ever” to make him happy.
And of course predictably, the corrupt Courts of Shenyang have made no contact with my wife regarding the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court in 1998. So my Disrespectful Campaign must continue.
Xi Jinping is very loyal to his corrupt friends in Shenyang, Liaoning, isn’t he? No friend of his caught in his “Anti-Corruption campaign” yet. It’s all a bit of a farce, really. He targets opposing factions. Interesting to see how Jiang Zemin and family fare over the coming months. Xi Jinping (LL&BLE) must keep taking his medication otherwise he will behave irrationally, petulant and domineering.
Graphic has been Tweeted and is on my Blog.
Chris Jones
24.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
No response from you regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his resignation. I’ve Tweeted my blog page to keep the issue alive in the real World, outside China. Also Tweeted 2 others on other issues to embarrass Xi Jinping. He’s sensitive. He will be embarrassed. The corrupt Courts of Shenyang continue their disrespect of my wife. My Disrespectful Campaign continues. Resolve the 1998 illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court. So simple but so hard for NPC to do.
Frequent reports, nearly daily, of growing dissatisfaction with Xi Jinping, LL&BLE, among citizens and CCP! Oust Xi Jinping by declaring him medically (Mentally unsound) to continue as Leader. So caring of CCP in the welfare of a Leader? Who could criticise that? No-one. Who would oppose it? Only one – Xi Jinping. So just do it. Remove Xi Jinping before he creates such a mess that CCP and China will both fall. Of course, I look forward to the fall of CCP. Not of China because I support ordinary China citizens. Will The Central Power of China (see graphic) rise from the ashes of CCP demise? I look forward to that and a more prosperous, happy future for China and its citizens. 80 million CCP supporters may not feel the same as I do. Where will they go?
It is no secret that I would like to return to China and see the many sights I was unable to see in previous visits. A remarkable land and remarkable people. When CCP is no more. Near future, hopefully.
My latest graphic has been Tweeted and is in my blog.
22.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
World recrimination grows regarding the activities of CCP in Tibet. But CCP could not care less. Not when it has grave domestic concerns regarding the Economy, increased social unrest, unemployment on the rise, cost of housing beyond the means of home buyers, environmental damage of immense proportions, the unpopularity of Xi Jinping with citizens and CCP. It just gets worse, doesn’t it?
No explanation from either of you regarding the Open letter to Xi Jinping asking for his resignation and no contact by the corrupt Shenyang Courts with my wife. As expected my Disrespectful Campaign must continue.
CCP insists that it will manage the process of the reincarnation of HH Dalia Lama when he dies. Amazing that an atheist group should consider that they have the skill, knowledge to manage such a deeply religious and significant event. CCP is inept and dysfunctional at managing China let alone delving into matters completely outside their experience.
So I have been forced to reincarnate Xi Jinping, Living Legend and Best Leader Ever. Just so CCP may have some understanding of the complexity of reincarnation.
22.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
It is wise to look ahead and be prepared for the inevitable eventualities. Making sure the car is serviced on time for example. I have prepared a draft Headstone in preparation for the fall of CCP and PRC. Yes it is expected. Xi Jinping struggles to maintain control of everything, the economy continues in decline, social unrest and unemployment on the rise. Repression on the rise. Corruption level? Not really changed and remains at the highest level of CCP. Xi Jinping anti-corruption campaign is a farce. Rumours of coups and assassination attempts. All bad news for CCP.
And no response from either of you regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping regarding his resignation. If your cars received this tardy service you will soon be using alternative transport. Of course, the corrupt Shenyang Courts continue their disrespect of my wife and so my Disrespectful Campaign must continue. Xi Jinping has no power to resolve an illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court in 1998. You know why I refer to him as Impotent Xi. He is bordering on powerless.
Here is the latest graphic. I omitted to add “Created by Chris Jones in support of : http://chineselegalrights.blogspot.com/” . I am only human.
Ambassador and Consul General,
Just to keep the “pot boiling” as we say when outstanding issues remain unresolved. Corrupt Shenyang Courts continue to show disrespect for my wife and I continue with my Disrespectful Campaign. Of course, no explanation for the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his resignation. Not unexpected. Consider this another request.
I have revisited an old idea – a split China Communist Party. Radical! Innovative! Workable, with fine tuning! But totally abhorrent to Xi Jinping, Living Legend and Best Leader Ever. If such a radical proposal was to fall onto his desk he would fall into a heap on the floor through sheer panic? Remove him from Leadership? Make Government accountable to citizens? Wipe out corruption? Not have utter control over the Military? No control over Law? Unthinkable! Unworkable! As impossible as an independent Hong Kong! Never happen! Never! Never! Never ever! I could hear his screams from here!!
But here it is, regardless.
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Your offices are now closed for the day so, of course, there will be no response from you today (or perhaps in my lifetime) regarding that famous letter to Xi Jinping. Resignation, that one. And no response from the corrupt Shenyang Courts, either. So my Disrespectful Campaign remains in full swing, gathering momentum, picking up speed..that sort of status.
While I was mulling over my notes and photos I thought that my latest creation would alert foreigners to the lack of Law in China. Protect them from CCP as much as possible. Unfortunately I am unable to protect China citizens from CCP rubbery Law. But I can still draw attention to their plight. Most of the images are not my own.
“The Central Power of China” is a citizen empowered Government to replace China Communist Party. I like it. You don’t like it. Xi Jinping would have an anxiety attack if he knew of it.
I have made a public invitation for any CCP Official or CCP sympathiser to Tweet back if they disagree with remarks I make about CCP. No-one has taken up the invitation as yet.
Ambassador and Consul General,
In 2008 a Court Officer advised me that he could not take an envelope from the ground floor to the “Boss’s” office on the third floor. He seemed physically fit. It was just another way to make the prosecution of a petitioner’s case more difficult. It would appear that the two of you share a similar reluctance in providing a simple explanation to the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his resignation. I have tweeted the Open Letter again today to keep it “alive”.
I have been going over my notes and photos relative to the 2010 visit to China made by my wife and I in an attempt to resolve the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998. Mostly bitter and very, very few sweet memories. We had several meeting with a Petitioner who had served time in gaol and showed us his prison uniform, He actually turned up at a Letters and Visits office wearing it!. Caused quite a stink with the guards and officials. The relative of a friend had been murdered by prison guards. The graphic attached gives you the story. One of many hundreds of stories I was told about in China. Any wonder I have such a strong dislike and disgust for CCP and so-called China Law? We have a friend who survived an attempt to disembowel himself on Tiananmen Square. My experiences were not those of an ordinary tourist.
The Corrupt Shenyang Courts have not responded to my wife and their continuing disrespect encourages my Disrespectful Campaign. Can I ever forget the women kneeling down in the mud and melting snow asking for my help? Never can I forget that or their stories and how absolutely useless I felt. But I have described a human emotion. A concern for the welfare of another human. CCP discourages such emotions and is expert at stripping away the most basic of human values
I have also attached the photo of the person who benefited from the illegal 1998 Court case. His relatives ran an illegal money lending business. He is quite wealthy and should be able to repay 28m RMB. No cost to CCP that way?
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Still no explanation of circumstances surrounding the open letter to Xi Jinping asking for his resignation. I’ll continue to ask you for it. Can I ask for his resignation?
And of no surprise the corrupt Shenyang Courts have not made any contact with my wife regarding the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998. A judge not a judge makes a judgment. Undeniably illegal. My Disrespectful Campaign continues.
More social unrest in China. Clearly, repression and forceful suppression is failing. More and more incidences are receiving World attention and recrimination. You will be aware that protests have been arranged for Xi Jinping, Living Legend and Best Leader Ever, when he visits US soon. No doubt measures will be taken to avoid them as much as possible. No chance for a blockade of his motorcade that occurred in New York. You have suggested my title “Living Legend and Best Leader Ever” to Xi Jinping? He’d love it.
An old but very appropriate graphic is attached.
17.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
It would appear that your Beijing Masters have not authorised a response to my request for information regarding the Open Letter Requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. So I am asking again.
I also note that the corrupt Shenyang Courts have made no contact with my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Court, Shenyang in 1998. Such disrespect warrants the continuation of my Disrespectful Campaign. Ignore it as you wish but it is not my integrity or reputation that is in question. I am winning this war.
NPC has closed for another year. All the delegates have left or are leaving for home. Quite a bit of tension in the Great Hall of the People and reluctance to ask questions. No-one keen to talk to journalists and mischief everywhere. Xi Jinping looked very tired, I thought. Anyway, he wants to be remembered as “Top Leader” not the “Last Leader”. He may like my title better – “Living Legend and Best Leader Ever”? Pass it on to him, he may like it and you could get a New Year bonus?
The graphic has been Tweeted and is in my blog
Ambassador and Consul General,
Corrupt Shenyang Courts enjoy charmed lives under the protection of Xi Jinping. No response by them to my wife regarding the illegal 1998 Court Case created by Shenhe District People’ Court. They give my wife no respect and I am left to continue my Disrespectful Campaign.
CCP was taken to task recently by UN Human Rights Council (12 Nations) in regard to the dismal CCP Human Rights record. Getting worse, too. Of course, as expected, CCP hit back with criticism of US Human Rights failings. Laughable, really. US does not deny failings, though, CCP claims are prone to exaggeration and stripping away of Truth. CCP attempted to deflect attention away but failed. When will CCP use commonsense and see if they can make improvements? Beijing recently affirmed its continued efforts to integrate Tibet into Han Society, to continue the persecution of Falun Gong and to take stringent action to protect “Security”, CCP certainly brings no joy to the world.
CCP Economy is staggering toward a precipice under the inept management of Xi Jinping and CCP. Predictions are that it will fall and cause major international disruption. The World will recover but CCP will be absent. Vanquished with the demolished China economy. Xi Jinping has hired a new scapegoat to “manage” the Economy. I predict that his tenure will a short and unhappy one in that position and he is a readymade future scapegoat for the failure of Xi Jinping.
Rumblings in Beijing? Paranoid Xi Jinping must be popping more medication these days for his several medical conditions due to increased stress, anxiety and paranoia.
http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/china/20160314/54863382 Xi Jinping the last Princeling
http://bowenpress.com/news/bowen_74189.html CCP Propaganda Newspaper critical of CCP Censorship etc
http://chineselegalrights.blogspot.com.au/p/requests-for-xi-jinping-resign-party.html Open Letter to Xi Jinping calling on him to resign. (China Diplomats in Australia offer no explanation)
All the corny videos and rap songs created by Xi Jinping and CCP will not save him from being toppled. I do expect Xi Jinping to seek a Military solution for his domestic unpopularity. He is very predictable.
In passing, the recent announcement from Beijing that they will set up a Maritime Tribunal (or similar) to settle territorial maritime disputes is idiotic. It will have the same respect and authority of a CCP Human Rights Committee reporting on CCP Human Rights. Of course, CCP can attend its own Hearing into its own claims and make its own Judgment. Valueless and priceless stupidity.
16.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
You still haven’t provided an explanation regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping asking for his resignation. Surely the Masters in Beijing could have penned an explanation for you by now. Possibly pre-occupied with important matters of State? I will continue to ask.
I also note that my wife has received no contact from the corrupt Shenyang Courts in regard to the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court in 1998. Their continuing disrespect of my wife ensures my continuing Disrespectful Campaign.
So much is going on within the CCP these days. Xi Jinping mopes around with a sad face, Even in public he cannot manage a false smile. His pillars of support have been ravaged by hungry CCP termites and threaten to topple him. I assume he does carry Accident and Health Insurance cover? Could be quite a heavy fall. Jiang Zemin, the initiator of the persecution of Falun Gong still dances about in the background. His faction is as corrupt as Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping continues with the persecution of Falun Gong. Such a weak Leader in the eyes of the World. His paranoia will be his undoing if CCP do not unravel him first. He will be distrustful of any friends he has until he has no friends. The voices only he hears will give him direction. To the nearest Mental Hospital.
The attached graphic has been Tweeted and is in my blog.
13.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
You have lived up to my expectations. No explanation regarding the Open Letter Requesting Xi Jinping resignation. I will continue to ask, however. And it will remain on my blog for frequent regurgitation.
No email from the corrupt Shenyang Courts concerning the illegal court case created by Shenhe District People’s Court in 1998. Their disrespect of my wife continues as does my Disrespectful campaign.
If the CCP wants to change its image from that of a village idiot to a more respected and credible Government I strongly recommend a change in the propaganda currently being disseminated far and wide. Remove the incredibly ridiculous, false and unbelievable and replace it with factual, balanced information. Your writers must just about fall off their chairs, laughing when they read what they write. No. That is not true, they actually believe what they write and are very serious about it. Outside of China the “scribbling” are quite comical. I know my blunt suggestion will be ignored but it is not my reputation (face) that is the laughing stock.
Graphic has been tweeted and is on my blog
Ambassador and Consul General,
As usual there is no email in my wife’s Inbin from corrupt Shenyang Courts. It is very early in the day, I know, but I am anticipating the lack of an email for the rest of today, at least. So their continued disrespect of my wife continues and fuels my Disrespectful Campaign.
Tibetans have demonstrated throughout the World regarding their “peaceful liberation” by China. CCP has won no respect, trust or friendships from their continued human rights abuses and atrocities in Tibet and also in China. We know that CCP will continue to block UN attempts to investigate CCP Human Rights violations as it has done in the past. It will bully other UN Members to vote against any investigation. Ally Russia can be called upon to assist their disgraceful cause. CCP fear of Truth is transparent to all and it is disgusting.
An interesting development with your neighbour and ally DPKR (surely Democratic is a misnomer?) with exercise being conducted by South Korea and USA. A DPKR submarine has gone missing and is believed to have sunk. NK Navy is conducting search for it. CCP has not rushed to assist in their search. Surely, if only to attempt a rescue of trapped seamen such an attempt should be made to assist a friend? Surely, CCP would not consider that they would be meddling in the internal affairs of another country and hold back for that reason?
Have enclosed a graphic regarding DPKR/CCP relationship should “Dim” Kim become completely out of control. I doubt that dysfunctional Xi Jinping and inept CCP would have any answer to the issue other than to cross their fingers and wish for good luck. No praying because atheists have no God to pray to.
Graphic has been Tweeted and is on my Blog
12.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Yes it is Saturday and you are enjoying your weekend off. No response from either of you today regarding the Open Letter Requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. I have Tweeted to that affect just now.
I also note that my wife has not received any communication from Shenyang corrupt Courts. The 1998 illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court is “getting very long in the tooth”. Speaks volumes about the lack of Law in China and how Xi Jinping protects his corrupt friends in Liaoning Province. The Courts are so very disrespectful of her and so my Disrespectful Campaign also continues.
Dysfunctional Xi Jinping is not the popular figure CCP media would have everyone believe. In China, citizens do not have ready access to real news other than the propaganda spewed out by CCP Media. We know that and understand why citizens may not have a broader knowledge of World affairs and the direction that Xi Jinping is taking China. “Make China great again” says Xi Jinping. I doubt that under Xi Jinping and a CCP that is floundering in its own dysfunctional mire and lacking any skill to extricate itself. CCP just sinks lower and lower in reputation and in renown and is taking China with it. Every day I miss friends and family in China.
I have posed the question, elsewhere, whether CCP would invade North Korea to avoid a nuclear war. China and North Korea are so closely linked that should the idiot “Dim” Kim launch a nuclear attack China will suffer the fallout from an answering nuclear defence. Quite a dilemma for CCP with such an ally as Communist North Korea. CCP might be able to put PLA to some good use for a change? Actually protect China from an ally?
Again here is the link to my Blog - http://chineselegalrights.blogspot.com.au/p/requests-for-xi-jinping-resign-party.html I doubt you need be reminded of it.
Ambassador and Consul General,
My wife has been waiting since 1998 for resolution of the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples Court. A considerable time most would agree.
There has been no contact today by the corrupt Shenyang Courts and there disrespect of my wife continues. Accordingly my Disrespectful Campaign also continues. I have Tweeted again today the lack of response from both of you regarding the resignation letter. We all know that CCP never corresponds with ordinary individuals but it gives me a genuine excuse to keep the issue alive. It is not my face burning.
Xi Jinping suffers from chronic paranoia. I could not help but notice how he is influenced by those around him and how they fuel his paranoia. I would not consider them to be friends. They have no Power and feed off Xi Jinping’s power to satisfy their own ends. Does Xi Jinping have any trustworthy friends? Look. See if I am wrong.
I also note that CCP does not have a process or mechanism to engage ordinary citizens in discussion of the welfare of China. A notable exception that has worked against CCP for the past 60 years. 1.3 billion brains are far superior to 80 million CCP members. I would not be surprised at your disagreement, not that I would hear it. The concept is beyond the comprehension of CCP members. A shame. I know many China citizens who are dismayed that they cannot make or suggest any change in the affairs of China. One day, perhaps, a Leader will emerge who can recognise the value of citizens and work with them to achieve great things. As you know I am a great admirer and supporter of ordinary China citizens.
Resignation letter is on my blog: http://chineselegalrights.blogspot.com.au/p/requests-for-xi-jinping-resign-party.html
10.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Of no surprise my wife has had no communication from corrupt Shenyang Courts. Their disrespect continues and so does my Disrespectful Campaign.
No-one has yet advised who was the author of the Open Letter Requesting Xi Jinping’s resignation. So I have asked again now and have Tweeted that I have not received a response from you both. It’s Ok, I have plenty of time. Wouldn’t want you to rush an explanation.
Even CCP Newspapers loyal to CCP have publicly aired their anger at strict censorship. Amazing that CCP Newspaper makes such a public stand and appears to have survived the “serious consequences” so often batted about by Xi Jinping. Assuming that he did threaten “serious consequences” and, if not, why not? So many questions and so few answers. I will make some checks later today. Who is Leading China at this time?
Link to my blog and the Open Letter to Xi Jinping - http://chineselegalrights.blogspot.com.au/p/requests-for-xi-jinping-resign-party.html
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Corrupt Shenyang Courts continue disrespect of my wife so, of course, so my Disrespectful Campaign also continues.
Xi Jinping appears to be dragging China toward economic disaster and to military conflict, primarily, South China Sea. CCP bases in Africa also may afford control of flows through Suez Canal. Any attempt to interfere in that way would also lead to military conflict. There is nothing wrong with National pride but if it is used as a tool to gain support for questionable Government actions then it is a betrayal of citizens. I believe that is Xi Jinping’s current strategy- infuse National Pride and condemn criticism and dissent. Utter and complete control of the population? He may fall on a sword of his own making and it is something I look forward to, CCP barbarism in Tibet not so different to NAZI in WWII and is judged accordingly. China in disgrace.
Latest graphic from my Disrespectful Campaign attached. Emphasis of Xi Jinping paranoia, narcissism, philandering. My humour may not be appealing. Have been unsuccessful in identifying any good character or personality attribute he may have. Let me know if he has one and what it is.
Graphic has been Twittered and is in my blog
Ambassador and Consul General,
The corrupt Courts of Shenyang continue with their disrespect for my wife. Accordingly I continue my Disrespectful Campaign against Xi Jinping and CCP. I no longer refer to him as Impotent Xi, though he is, but by his actual name.(Usually preceded by a number of derogatory but accurate adjectives.)
The graphics have been Twittered and included in my blog.
Perhaps he will put a photograph of himself, showing his navel, somewhere (preferably not Facebook). It is to prove that he is a human.
Ambassador and Consul General,
24.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
No response from you regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his resignation. I’ve Tweeted my blog page to keep the issue alive in the real World, outside China. Also Tweeted 2 others on other issues to embarrass Xi Jinping. He’s sensitive. He will be embarrassed. The corrupt Courts of Shenyang continue their disrespect of my wife. My Disrespectful Campaign continues. Resolve the 1998 illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court. So simple but so hard for NPC to do.
Frequent reports, nearly daily, of growing dissatisfaction with Xi Jinping, LL&BLE, among citizens and CCP! Oust Xi Jinping by declaring him medically (Mentally unsound) to continue as Leader. So caring of CCP in the welfare of a Leader? Who could criticise that? No-one. Who would oppose it? Only one – Xi Jinping. So just do it. Remove Xi Jinping before he creates such a mess that CCP and China will both fall. Of course, I look forward to the fall of CCP. Not of China because I support ordinary China citizens. Will The Central Power of China (see graphic) rise from the ashes of CCP demise? I look forward to that and a more prosperous, happy future for China and its citizens. 80 million CCP supporters may not feel the same as I do. Where will they go?
It is no secret that I would like to return to China and see the many sights I was unable to see in previous visits. A remarkable land and remarkable people. When CCP is no more. Near future, hopefully.
My latest graphic has been Tweeted and is in my blog.
Chris Jones
22.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
World recrimination grows regarding the activities of CCP in Tibet. But CCP could not care less. Not when it has grave domestic concerns regarding the Economy, increased social unrest, unemployment on the rise, cost of housing beyond the means of home buyers, environmental damage of immense proportions, the unpopularity of Xi Jinping with citizens and CCP. It just gets worse, doesn’t it?
No explanation from either of you regarding the Open letter to Xi Jinping asking for his resignation and no contact by the corrupt Shenyang Courts with my wife. As expected my Disrespectful Campaign must continue.
CCP insists that it will manage the process of the reincarnation of HH Dalia Lama when he dies. Amazing that an atheist group should consider that they have the skill, knowledge to manage such a deeply religious and significant event. CCP is inept and dysfunctional at managing China let alone delving into matters completely outside their experience.
So I have been forced to reincarnate Xi Jinping, Living Legend and Best Leader Ever. Just so CCP may have some understanding of the complexity of reincarnation.
Chris Jones
22.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
It is wise to look ahead and be prepared for the inevitable eventualities. Making sure the car is serviced on time for example. I have prepared a draft Headstone in preparation for the fall of CCP and PRC. Yes it is expected. Xi Jinping struggles to maintain control of everything, the economy continues in decline, social unrest and unemployment on the rise. Repression on the rise. Corruption level? Not really changed and remains at the highest level of CCP. Xi Jinping anti-corruption campaign is a farce. Rumours of coups and assassination attempts. All bad news for CCP.
And no response from either of you regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping regarding his resignation. If your cars received this tardy service you will soon be using alternative transport. Of course, the corrupt Shenyang Courts continue their disrespect of my wife and so my Disrespectful Campaign must continue. Xi Jinping has no power to resolve an illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court in 1998. You know why I refer to him as Impotent Xi. He is bordering on powerless.
Here is the latest graphic. I omitted to add “Created by Chris Jones in support of : http://chineselegalrights.blogspot.com/” . I am only human.
Chris Jones
20.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Just to keep the “pot boiling” as we say when outstanding issues remain unresolved. Corrupt Shenyang Courts continue to show disrespect for my wife and I continue with my Disrespectful Campaign. Of course, no explanation for the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his resignation. Not unexpected. Consider this another request.
I have revisited an old idea – a split China Communist Party. Radical! Innovative! Workable, with fine tuning! But totally abhorrent to Xi Jinping, Living Legend and Best Leader Ever. If such a radical proposal was to fall onto his desk he would fall into a heap on the floor through sheer panic? Remove him from Leadership? Make Government accountable to citizens? Wipe out corruption? Not have utter control over the Military? No control over Law? Unthinkable! Unworkable! As impossible as an independent Hong Kong! Never happen! Never! Never! Never ever! I could hear his screams from here!!
But here it is, regardless.
Chris Jones
18.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Your offices are now closed for the day so, of course, there will be no response from you today (or perhaps in my lifetime) regarding that famous letter to Xi Jinping. Resignation, that one. And no response from the corrupt Shenyang Courts, either. So my Disrespectful Campaign remains in full swing, gathering momentum, picking up speed..that sort of status.
While I was mulling over my notes and photos I thought that my latest creation would alert foreigners to the lack of Law in China. Protect them from CCP as much as possible. Unfortunately I am unable to protect China citizens from CCP rubbery Law. But I can still draw attention to their plight. Most of the images are not my own.
“The Central Power of China” is a citizen empowered Government to replace China Communist Party. I like it. You don’t like it. Xi Jinping would have an anxiety attack if he knew of it.
I have made a public invitation for any CCP Official or CCP sympathiser to Tweet back if they disagree with remarks I make about CCP. No-one has taken up the invitation as yet.
Chris Jones
18.3.2016 2nd email - Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
In 2008 a Court Officer advised me that he could not take an envelope from the ground floor to the “Boss’s” office on the third floor. He seemed physically fit. It was just another way to make the prosecution of a petitioner’s case more difficult. It would appear that the two of you share a similar reluctance in providing a simple explanation to the Open Letter to Xi Jinping requesting his resignation. I have tweeted the Open Letter again today to keep it “alive”.
I have been going over my notes and photos relative to the 2010 visit to China made by my wife and I in an attempt to resolve the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998. Mostly bitter and very, very few sweet memories. We had several meeting with a Petitioner who had served time in gaol and showed us his prison uniform, He actually turned up at a Letters and Visits office wearing it!. Caused quite a stink with the guards and officials. The relative of a friend had been murdered by prison guards. The graphic attached gives you the story. One of many hundreds of stories I was told about in China. Any wonder I have such a strong dislike and disgust for CCP and so-called China Law? We have a friend who survived an attempt to disembowel himself on Tiananmen Square. My experiences were not those of an ordinary tourist.
The Corrupt Shenyang Courts have not responded to my wife and their continuing disrespect encourages my Disrespectful Campaign. Can I ever forget the women kneeling down in the mud and melting snow asking for my help? Never can I forget that or their stories and how absolutely useless I felt. But I have described a human emotion. A concern for the welfare of another human. CCP discourages such emotions and is expert at stripping away the most basic of human values
I have also attached the photo of the person who benefited from the illegal 1998 Court case. His relatives ran an illegal money lending business. He is quite wealthy and should be able to repay 28m RMB. No cost to CCP that way?
Chris Jones
18.3.2016 3rd email Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Still no explanation of circumstances surrounding the open letter to Xi Jinping asking for his resignation. I’ll continue to ask you for it. Can I ask for his resignation?
And of no surprise the corrupt Shenyang Courts have not made any contact with my wife regarding the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court, Shenyang, Liaoning in 1998. A judge not a judge makes a judgment. Undeniably illegal. My Disrespectful Campaign continues.
More social unrest in China. Clearly, repression and forceful suppression is failing. More and more incidences are receiving World attention and recrimination. You will be aware that protests have been arranged for Xi Jinping, Living Legend and Best Leader Ever, when he visits US soon. No doubt measures will be taken to avoid them as much as possible. No chance for a blockade of his motorcade that occurred in New York. You have suggested my title “Living Legend and Best Leader Ever” to Xi Jinping? He’d love it.
An old but very appropriate graphic is attached.
Chris Jones
17.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
It would appear that your Beijing Masters have not authorised a response to my request for information regarding the Open Letter Requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. So I am asking again.
I also note that the corrupt Shenyang Courts have made no contact with my wife regarding the illegal court case created by Shenhe District Court, Shenyang in 1998. Such disrespect warrants the continuation of my Disrespectful Campaign. Ignore it as you wish but it is not my integrity or reputation that is in question. I am winning this war.
NPC has closed for another year. All the delegates have left or are leaving for home. Quite a bit of tension in the Great Hall of the People and reluctance to ask questions. No-one keen to talk to journalists and mischief everywhere. Xi Jinping looked very tired, I thought. Anyway, he wants to be remembered as “Top Leader” not the “Last Leader”. He may like my title better – “Living Legend and Best Leader Ever”? Pass it on to him, he may like it and you could get a New Year bonus?
The graphic has been Tweeted and is in my blog
Chris Jones
15.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Corrupt Shenyang Courts enjoy charmed lives under the protection of Xi Jinping. No response by them to my wife regarding the illegal 1998 Court Case created by Shenhe District People’ Court. They give my wife no respect and I am left to continue my Disrespectful Campaign.
CCP was taken to task recently by UN Human Rights Council (12 Nations) in regard to the dismal CCP Human Rights record. Getting worse, too. Of course, as expected, CCP hit back with criticism of US Human Rights failings. Laughable, really. US does not deny failings, though, CCP claims are prone to exaggeration and stripping away of Truth. CCP attempted to deflect attention away but failed. When will CCP use commonsense and see if they can make improvements? Beijing recently affirmed its continued efforts to integrate Tibet into Han Society, to continue the persecution of Falun Gong and to take stringent action to protect “Security”, CCP certainly brings no joy to the world.
CCP Economy is staggering toward a precipice under the inept management of Xi Jinping and CCP. Predictions are that it will fall and cause major international disruption. The World will recover but CCP will be absent. Vanquished with the demolished China economy. Xi Jinping has hired a new scapegoat to “manage” the Economy. I predict that his tenure will a short and unhappy one in that position and he is a readymade future scapegoat for the failure of Xi Jinping.
Rumblings in Beijing? Paranoid Xi Jinping must be popping more medication these days for his several medical conditions due to increased stress, anxiety and paranoia.
http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/china/20160314/54863382 Xi Jinping the last Princeling
http://bowenpress.com/news/bowen_74189.html CCP Propaganda Newspaper critical of CCP Censorship etc
http://chineselegalrights.blogspot.com.au/p/requests-for-xi-jinping-resign-party.html Open Letter to Xi Jinping calling on him to resign. (China Diplomats in Australia offer no explanation)
All the corny videos and rap songs created by Xi Jinping and CCP will not save him from being toppled. I do expect Xi Jinping to seek a Military solution for his domestic unpopularity. He is very predictable.
In passing, the recent announcement from Beijing that they will set up a Maritime Tribunal (or similar) to settle territorial maritime disputes is idiotic. It will have the same respect and authority of a CCP Human Rights Committee reporting on CCP Human Rights. Of course, CCP can attend its own Hearing into its own claims and make its own Judgment. Valueless and priceless stupidity.
Chris Jones
Australia16.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
You still haven’t provided an explanation regarding the Open Letter to Xi Jinping asking for his resignation. Surely the Masters in Beijing could have penned an explanation for you by now. Possibly pre-occupied with important matters of State? I will continue to ask.
I also note that my wife has received no contact from the corrupt Shenyang Courts in regard to the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court in 1998. Their continuing disrespect of my wife ensures my continuing Disrespectful Campaign.
So much is going on within the CCP these days. Xi Jinping mopes around with a sad face, Even in public he cannot manage a false smile. His pillars of support have been ravaged by hungry CCP termites and threaten to topple him. I assume he does carry Accident and Health Insurance cover? Could be quite a heavy fall. Jiang Zemin, the initiator of the persecution of Falun Gong still dances about in the background. His faction is as corrupt as Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping continues with the persecution of Falun Gong. Such a weak Leader in the eyes of the World. His paranoia will be his undoing if CCP do not unravel him first. He will be distrustful of any friends he has until he has no friends. The voices only he hears will give him direction. To the nearest Mental Hospital.
The attached graphic has been Tweeted and is in my blog.
Chris Jones
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
You have lived up to my expectations. No explanation regarding the Open Letter Requesting Xi Jinping resignation. I will continue to ask, however. And it will remain on my blog for frequent regurgitation.
No email from the corrupt Shenyang Courts concerning the illegal court case created by Shenhe District People’s Court in 1998. Their disrespect of my wife continues as does my Disrespectful campaign.
If the CCP wants to change its image from that of a village idiot to a more respected and credible Government I strongly recommend a change in the propaganda currently being disseminated far and wide. Remove the incredibly ridiculous, false and unbelievable and replace it with factual, balanced information. Your writers must just about fall off their chairs, laughing when they read what they write. No. That is not true, they actually believe what they write and are very serious about it. Outside of China the “scribbling” are quite comical. I know my blunt suggestion will be ignored but it is not my reputation (face) that is the laughing stock.
Graphic has been tweeted and is on my blog
Chris Jones
13.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
As usual there is no email in my wife’s Inbin from corrupt Shenyang Courts. It is very early in the day, I know, but I am anticipating the lack of an email for the rest of today, at least. So their continued disrespect of my wife continues and fuels my Disrespectful Campaign.
Tibetans have demonstrated throughout the World regarding their “peaceful liberation” by China. CCP has won no respect, trust or friendships from their continued human rights abuses and atrocities in Tibet and also in China. We know that CCP will continue to block UN attempts to investigate CCP Human Rights violations as it has done in the past. It will bully other UN Members to vote against any investigation. Ally Russia can be called upon to assist their disgraceful cause. CCP fear of Truth is transparent to all and it is disgusting.
An interesting development with your neighbour and ally DPKR (surely Democratic is a misnomer?) with exercise being conducted by South Korea and USA. A DPKR submarine has gone missing and is believed to have sunk. NK Navy is conducting search for it. CCP has not rushed to assist in their search. Surely, if only to attempt a rescue of trapped seamen such an attempt should be made to assist a friend? Surely, CCP would not consider that they would be meddling in the internal affairs of another country and hold back for that reason?
Have enclosed a graphic regarding DPKR/CCP relationship should “Dim” Kim become completely out of control. I doubt that dysfunctional Xi Jinping and inept CCP would have any answer to the issue other than to cross their fingers and wish for good luck. No praying because atheists have no God to pray to.
Graphic has been Tweeted and is on my Blog
Chris Jones
12.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Yes it is Saturday and you are enjoying your weekend off. No response from either of you today regarding the Open Letter Requesting the Resignation of Xi Jinping. I have Tweeted to that affect just now.
I also note that my wife has not received any communication from Shenyang corrupt Courts. The 1998 illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples’ Court is “getting very long in the tooth”. Speaks volumes about the lack of Law in China and how Xi Jinping protects his corrupt friends in Liaoning Province. The Courts are so very disrespectful of her and so my Disrespectful Campaign also continues.
Dysfunctional Xi Jinping is not the popular figure CCP media would have everyone believe. In China, citizens do not have ready access to real news other than the propaganda spewed out by CCP Media. We know that and understand why citizens may not have a broader knowledge of World affairs and the direction that Xi Jinping is taking China. “Make China great again” says Xi Jinping. I doubt that under Xi Jinping and a CCP that is floundering in its own dysfunctional mire and lacking any skill to extricate itself. CCP just sinks lower and lower in reputation and in renown and is taking China with it. Every day I miss friends and family in China.
I have posed the question, elsewhere, whether CCP would invade North Korea to avoid a nuclear war. China and North Korea are so closely linked that should the idiot “Dim” Kim launch a nuclear attack China will suffer the fallout from an answering nuclear defence. Quite a dilemma for CCP with such an ally as Communist North Korea. CCP might be able to put PLA to some good use for a change? Actually protect China from an ally?
Again here is the link to my Blog - http://chineselegalrights.blogspot.com.au/p/requests-for-xi-jinping-resign-party.html I doubt you need be reminded of it.
Chris Jones
11.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
My wife has been waiting since 1998 for resolution of the illegal Court Case created by Shenhe District Peoples Court. A considerable time most would agree.
There has been no contact today by the corrupt Shenyang Courts and there disrespect of my wife continues. Accordingly my Disrespectful Campaign also continues. I have Tweeted again today the lack of response from both of you regarding the resignation letter. We all know that CCP never corresponds with ordinary individuals but it gives me a genuine excuse to keep the issue alive. It is not my face burning.
Xi Jinping suffers from chronic paranoia. I could not help but notice how he is influenced by those around him and how they fuel his paranoia. I would not consider them to be friends. They have no Power and feed off Xi Jinping’s power to satisfy their own ends. Does Xi Jinping have any trustworthy friends? Look. See if I am wrong.
I also note that CCP does not have a process or mechanism to engage ordinary citizens in discussion of the welfare of China. A notable exception that has worked against CCP for the past 60 years. 1.3 billion brains are far superior to 80 million CCP members. I would not be surprised at your disagreement, not that I would hear it. The concept is beyond the comprehension of CCP members. A shame. I know many China citizens who are dismayed that they cannot make or suggest any change in the affairs of China. One day, perhaps, a Leader will emerge who can recognise the value of citizens and work with them to achieve great things. As you know I am a great admirer and supporter of ordinary China citizens.
Resignation letter is on my blog: http://chineselegalrights.blogspot.com.au/p/requests-for-xi-jinping-resign-party.html
Chris Jones
10.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Of no surprise my wife has had no communication from corrupt Shenyang Courts. Their disrespect continues and so does my Disrespectful Campaign.
No-one has yet advised who was the author of the Open Letter Requesting Xi Jinping’s resignation. So I have asked again now and have Tweeted that I have not received a response from you both. It’s Ok, I have plenty of time. Wouldn’t want you to rush an explanation.
Even CCP Newspapers loyal to CCP have publicly aired their anger at strict censorship. Amazing that CCP Newspaper makes such a public stand and appears to have survived the “serious consequences” so often batted about by Xi Jinping. Assuming that he did threaten “serious consequences” and, if not, why not? So many questions and so few answers. I will make some checks later today. Who is Leading China at this time?
Link to my blog and the Open Letter to Xi Jinping - http://chineselegalrights.blogspot.com.au/p/requests-for-xi-jinping-resign-party.html
Chris Jones
5.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul
This is the translated text of an
email I received on 4th March 2016. (As translated without any
editing. Sender email address deleted )
Would you care to make an official
The text has a dedicated page in
my blog and the link to that page has been Tweeted.
Chris Jones
This conversation has been automatically translated:
Chinese -> English.
Requests for Xi Jinping
resign the party and state leadership positions open letter
1 message
1 message
4 March 2016 at
Requests for Xi Jinping resign
the party and state leadership positions open letter
Xi Jinping, hello.
We are loyal communist. On the
occasion of the "two sessions" held, we write this letter to you,
asking you to resign from all party and state leadership positions. We made this
request, out of consideration of the Party's cause, is due to consider the future
of the country and nation, too, is out of consideration for you and your
family own security.
Xi Jinping, you since 2012
since the party's "big eight" was elected the new general secretary
of the Central Committee, determined to fight corruption tiger, party
corruption and other malpractices improved. You personally as the head of
several groups of the Central Leading Group for comprehensive deepening
reform, but also a lot of work for economic development, got some people's
support, which we see in the eyes.
However, Xi Jinping, we have to
point out that it is precisely because this way you will be fully caught up
power into their own hands, direct decision-making in all areas of political
and economic ideology and culture, have caused unprecedented problems and
Politically, you abandoned the
party's fine tradition, one of the most significant leaders at all levels is
to support your position as the core, abandoned the democratic system as the
core set of the main principle of collective leadership of the Standing
Committee, excessive concentration of power. You strengthen the functions of
the NPC and the CPPCC Council committee at the same time, weakening the
independence of the national authorities of each, including Premier Li
Keqiang and other comrades, including the terms of reference has been greatly
affected. At the same time, the various departments and units stationed in
Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the inspection teams became the
new state-owned power system, leading to unclear responsibilities party
committees at all levels of government decision-making chaos.
Diplomatically, you abandoned
Comrade Deng Xiaoping's "low profile" consistent policy, blind
shots, not only failed to create a favorable international environment
surrounding, but also to North Korea successfully conducted tests of the
atomic bomb and missiles, forming a huge threat to China's national security;
also the United States successfully return to Asia, with South Korea, Japan,
the Philippines and Southeast Asian countries formed a united front to
jointly contain China. In dealing with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan issues,
fails to comply with Comrade Deng Xiaoping wise "one country two
systems" concept, dilemma, leading Democratic Progressive Party won
power in Taiwan, Hong Kong and the rise of independent forces. Especially in
the issue of Hong Kong, in an irregular way back to the mainland to Hong Kong
booksellers, on the "one country two systems" pose a direct injury.
Economically, you pass the
Central Financial and Economic Leading Group, directly involved in the
formulation of macro and micro-economic policies, leading to huge unrest
China's stock and property markets, hundreds of thousands of people of wealth
vanished, devastated. Supply-side policy reform and capacity to lead the
central state-owned enterprises laid off large numbers of workers; private
business failures blunts, large numbers of people unemployed. "Along the
way" strategy, a large amount of foreign exchange reserves into chaos
countries and regions, but no return. Excessive consumption of foreign
exchange reserves, the depreciation of the RMB into the cycle, everyone's
confidence in a decline in the national economy is about to collapse into a
situation, people wanted change.
On the ideological and
cultural, you stressed that "the media surname Party", while
ignoring the people of the media, the whole nation was stunned; you support
lower Zhou Xiaoping Hua Qianfang this level of people to become the
representative of the literary front, so many writers and artists chilling;
you condone cultural institutions directly to you singing the praises of your
lover's sister Peng Liyuan as CCTV Spring Festival Gala film director, so we
would have loved to be your personal Spring Festival a propaganda tool. You
condone these personality cult, and not to "jump Yee central", to
engage in "a party statement" approach, let us have experienced the
"Cultural Revolution" of the people can not help but secretly
worried - our party, the state and the nation can no longer afford new
Shinianhaojie! .
Xi Jinping, you carry out the
high-pressure anti-corruption, the party to rectify unhealthy tendencies have
helpful, however, because there is no supporting measures to keep up, the
objective, but also led to the current government at all levels slack
phenomenon, officials do not act timid, people complaining It has further
exacerbated the deterioration of the economic situation. We also see that the
current anti-corruption, target only focus on the struggle for power. We fear
that this practice intensified power struggle within the party, also may give
you and your family bring risks of personal security.
Therefore, we believe that Xi
Jinping, you do not have to lead the party and the country into the future
ability, no longer suitable for the post as general secretary. We ask you for
the Party cause, for long-term stability, in order to secure you and your
family, resigned from all positions in the party and the state, so that the
CPC Central Committee and the National People's alternative elite, aggressive
lead us into the future.
Loyal Communists
March 2016
3.3.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Corrupt Shenyang Courts continue disrespect of my wife so, of course, so my Disrespectful Campaign also continues.
Xi Jinping appears to be dragging China toward economic disaster and to military conflict, primarily, South China Sea. CCP bases in Africa also may afford control of flows through Suez Canal. Any attempt to interfere in that way would also lead to military conflict. There is nothing wrong with National pride but if it is used as a tool to gain support for questionable Government actions then it is a betrayal of citizens. I believe that is Xi Jinping’s current strategy- infuse National Pride and condemn criticism and dissent. Utter and complete control of the population? He may fall on a sword of his own making and it is something I look forward to, CCP barbarism in Tibet not so different to NAZI in WWII and is judged accordingly. China in disgrace.
Latest graphic from my Disrespectful Campaign attached. Emphasis of Xi Jinping paranoia, narcissism, philandering. My humour may not be appealing. Have been unsuccessful in identifying any good character or personality attribute he may have. Let me know if he has one and what it is.
Graphic has been Twittered and is in my blog
Chris Jones
3.3.2016 2nd email - Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
The corrupt Courts of Shenyang continue with their disrespect for my wife. Accordingly I continue my Disrespectful Campaign against Xi Jinping and CCP. I no longer refer to him as Impotent Xi, though he is, but by his actual name.(Usually preceded by a number of derogatory but accurate adjectives.)
The graphics have been Twittered and included in my blog.
Perhaps he will put a photograph of himself, showing his navel, somewhere (preferably not Facebook). It is to prove that he is a human.
Chris Jones
25.2.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
A salute to Xi Jinping
No I have not jumped the band
wagon in support of Xi Jinping. If my wife had news from corrupt Shenyang
Courts I could retire from my Disrespectful Campaign quite happily, though.
So my DC continues.
The World is being made very
aware, by Xi Jinping and CCP actions and responses, just how dysfunctional the
CCP is. CCP created so much trouble for itself in Hong Kong. Continues to
trouble in regard to Tibet. China
Economic woes continue under the inept handling by fearless leader Xi Jinping.
South China Sea issues fester and ferment. Should be of great concern for those
nearest the Top?. And the World is stunned by the idiotic propaganda released
by news media supporting CCP. Unbelievable rubbish. I suppose CCP authors have
to earn a living.
graphic has been Tweeted and is in my blog.
Chris Jones
24.2.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping I have a Vision
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Xi Jinping has been King of the Hen house long enough now for the World (and CCP) to evaluate this most dysfunctional Leader. I failed to find any admirable quality that he may possess compared to a normal human being. If the CCP is not already aware of it, Xi Jinping, is or has, set himself up as Supreme Leader for the term of his Lifetime. Considering his mental condition his reign must be considered highly dangerous for China, CCP and the World.
The attached graphic makes the point much clearer. It is on Twitter and in my blog.
Shenyang Corrupt Courts still disrespectful of my wife so my Disrespectful Campaign must continue
Will the CCP refute the claims I have made? If not then silence will be taken as agreement and referred to in future graphics.
Also attached two smaller graphics Twittered only.
23.2.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Impotent Xi his major part in downfall of CCP
Dear Ambassador and Consul General.
Shenyang Corrupt Courts remain silent. About as silent as the grave they should be buried in. No respect shown to my wife so my Disrespectful Campaign continues.
On balance, it is time for Xi Jinping to be removed as Leader of CCP and also as President of PRC. He is an embarrassment to both and is a dysfunctional, paranoid, megalomaniac destined to drag China and CCP into oblivion. If CCP considers otherwise then it is at their risk. They can share Xi Jinping’s fall into oblivion. Perhaps, a good thing for China in the long term. A little pain in the short term.
The graphic is on Twitter and in my blog.
Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney24.2.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Xi Jinping I have a Vision
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Xi Jinping has been King of the Hen house long enough now for the World (and CCP) to evaluate this most dysfunctional Leader. I failed to find any admirable quality that he may possess compared to a normal human being. If the CCP is not already aware of it, Xi Jinping, is or has, set himself up as Supreme Leader for the term of his Lifetime. Considering his mental condition his reign must be considered highly dangerous for China, CCP and the World.
The attached graphic makes the point much clearer. It is on Twitter and in my blog.
Shenyang Corrupt Courts still disrespectful of my wife so my Disrespectful Campaign must continue
Will the CCP refute the claims I have made? If not then silence will be taken as agreement and referred to in future graphics.
Also attached two smaller graphics Twittered only.
Chris Jones
Australia 23.2.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Impotent Xi his major part in downfall of CCP
Dear Ambassador and Consul General.
Shenyang Corrupt Courts remain silent. About as silent as the grave they should be buried in. No respect shown to my wife so my Disrespectful Campaign continues.
On balance, it is time for Xi Jinping to be removed as Leader of CCP and also as President of PRC. He is an embarrassment to both and is a dysfunctional, paranoid, megalomaniac destined to drag China and CCP into oblivion. If CCP considers otherwise then it is at their risk. They can share Xi Jinping’s fall into oblivion. Perhaps, a good thing for China in the long term. A little pain in the short term.
The graphic is on Twitter and in my blog.
Chris Jones
Disrespectful Campaign- Impotent Xi exerts Power with more restrictions
Ambassador and Consul General,
Xi Jinping is stuck in a rut. He still thinks that stamping down will stamp out any dissent. Oh, so very wrong. If only one brain (Xi Jinping’s) drives the CCP and that brain is acutely paranoid and dysfunctional, as it clearly is, there is only one direction for CCP to travel. Down and Out. But that is a problem for CCP to address.
Conciliation together with problem solving with citizens would produce much better outcomes for China. I just sit here in my office chair typing about something CCP has the power (but not the courage) to do.
Shenyang Corrupt Courts continue to disrespect my wife and ignore her. So my Disrespectful Campaign continues.
Graphic is on Twitter and in my Blog,
18.2.2016 Ambassador Ma Zhoxu - Australia; Consul General Li Huaxin - Sydney
Disrespectful Campaign- Impotent Xi and the quest for Serious Consequences
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Xi Jinping has been bandying about “Serious Consequences” so frequently of late that they have become a Syndrome.- “Serious Consequences Syndrome”. (SC Syndrome)
But there’s more! Because of over-use of Serious Consequences Syndrome it has evolved into – “Serious Consequences Over-Use Syndrome” (SCO-U Syndrome).
Will it trend into bigger and even longer Syndromes? Or will Xi Jinping come up with other words of greater gravity and threat? Is there an antidote for the Syndrome/s? Chronic deafness can be helpful in this instance but there is no antidote for as long as the Free World condemns the corrupt CCP.
Shenyang Corrupt Courts remain deathly silent. Could be serious consequences? The disrespect shown by them to my wife continues as does my Disrespectful Campaign against Xi Jinping and CCP.
Xi Jinping is stuck in a rut. He still thinks that stamping down will stamp out any dissent. Oh, so very wrong. If only one brain (Xi Jinping’s) drives the CCP and that brain is acutely paranoid and dysfunctional, as it clearly is, there is only one direction for CCP to travel. Down and Out. But that is a problem for CCP to address.
Conciliation together with problem solving with citizens would produce much better outcomes for China. I just sit here in my office chair typing about something CCP has the power (but not the courage) to do.
Shenyang Corrupt Courts continue to disrespect my wife and ignore her. So my Disrespectful Campaign continues.
Graphic is on Twitter and in my Blog,
Chris Jones
Disrespectful Campaign- Impotent Xi and the quest for Serious Consequences
Dear Ambassador and Consul General,
Xi Jinping has been bandying about “Serious Consequences” so frequently of late that they have become a Syndrome.- “Serious Consequences Syndrome”. (SC Syndrome)
But there’s more! Because of over-use of Serious Consequences Syndrome it has evolved into – “Serious Consequences Over-Use Syndrome” (SCO-U Syndrome).
Will it trend into bigger and even longer Syndromes? Or will Xi Jinping come up with other words of greater gravity and threat? Is there an antidote for the Syndrome/s? Chronic deafness can be helpful in this instance but there is no antidote for as long as the Free World condemns the corrupt CCP.
Shenyang Corrupt Courts remain deathly silent. Could be serious consequences? The disrespect shown by them to my wife continues as does my Disrespectful Campaign against Xi Jinping and CCP.
Chris Jones